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January 5, 2013

I am officially on Maternity Leave!  Yay!  (and much Finlay-clapping)

I am really happy and eager to make the adjustment.  I love being home with Fin!  We are already going out into the community and looking for fun things to do.  We found (I say we, but it was really all Fin) a sweet kinder-gym just a few blocks from home that runs on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.  While there, we bumped into some moms and kids from our Mothering Touch baby and toddler groups.  That was nice!  Fin was feeling a little shy and maybe just a bit nervous that I might leave him there so we stuck close together as we got to know the space, the other kids, and parents.  I really enjoyed everyone I spoke with - can't wait to return next week!

So I have been experiencing plenty of contractions and false starts with labour.  Uta explains that I'm just doing some of the work ahead of time and that it will be beneficial in the long run.  It does make me a little anxious though.  I'm in no rush to go into labour but I hope that the next contraction is the real thing!

In the mean time, we are trying to nest and clean and cook and get ready but I really need to try and relax and relent to the constant messes.  The most common advice I have received (about having two kids) is to relax about your cleaning standards and cook simple for a little while, at least.  I guess it'll be like when I first went back to work and we couldn't keep the house clean or find the time to eat.  It's going to take some time and some practice.

Anyway, I am hoping the next post will be "Billy"'s birth announcement!

Please don't wish me luck - I am made to do this!  But keep our little family in your thoughts as we embark on this new journey!  We are all pretty excited and I know that, even if the floors aren't clean, we are ready!

Uta checks Finlay's "baby" with the ultrasound.  Fin likes our check-ups and wants his turn too!  We listened to Finlay's heart and it sure sounds like it is ready to be a big brother's heart.

Also, here is a short video of Finlay busting a move in the kitchen yesterday afternoon:

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