September 20, 2015
Well it was time once again for one the HRGC's favourite weekends. Rifflandia comes every September and it is our third year attending the shows. The festival is always packed with amazing music and is the most family friendly festival you could imagine. We just love it. During the day the whole family jumps on bikes and heads down to Royal Athletic Park. Enjoy great music and amazing food and beer. Once again they have taken advantage of the "free range beer garden" system and it is a huge hit for us parents in attendance.
On the last night we have the kids stay till the end of the park show but on the first two days I biked the kids back home at dinner time and dropped them with a babysitter so Lyndze and I could have some time with our friends and hit up some of the late night club shows around the city. There are a bunch of pictures below and a couple videos. Happy Rifflandia! September Forever!
I thought I would start with a little bit of Rifflandia through the ages, so up first is Seamus:
Seamus' first Rifflandia 2013 - 8 months old
2014 - 20 months old
2015 - 2.5 years old
Finlays first Rifflandia 2013 - 2.5 years old

2014 - 3.5 years old
Riff 2015- 4.5 years old
Seamus, with one of his buddies, playing on a little stage at the festival.
Finlay is totally in love with drums and electric guitar right now and never hesitates to break out the air guitar or air drums whenever the urge hits him.
More dancing!
Fin is busting a move while Seamus tries to hop over into the sound tent.
Saturdays theme was cats and was referred to as "Caterday." Seamus refused to wear ears but we did manage to get a tail on him. Here you can see a very sad Seamus in need of a little cat nap.
Shay spent some time in the backpack when he got to tired. I am sporting the cat ears and tail!
Seamus was the saddest little child at Rifflandia for a while. But we got them a coconut milk chocolate ice cream bar and things got better pretty quick.
Fin was uninterested in the cat theme but was struck by these fairy wings. He decided they were actually "Fairy Buzz Lightyear wings" Which is obviously a pretty awesome combination.
Fin taking a look at the program trying to decide who to go see next.
Sunday was a mix of rain and overcast weather - Luckily it stayed pretty warm the whole day.
Seamus passed out from all the air drumming

A hip hop artist named Joey Bada$$ hit the stage and Shay was really unimpressed.
Shay with our good friend Alyx.
We were super lucky to have a whole bunch of close friends attending/preforming at the festival this year which was really great for Lyndze and I but also Fin and Shay were so excited to get to see them there.
Everything that can be a fire pole will become a fire pole.
Fin just chilling out and watching the music.
Such a cutie!
Peter hanging out with Seamus and Lyndze
There was this great little kids section at Rifflandia this year - however this picture was taken as the last band of the festival, Mother Mother, was finishing their set - It has been a little trashed.
Fun, music reacting light displays are also fun to climb!
A cute shadowy figure...
Lots of kids showed up seeing the fun/opportunity to hurt themselves that this light display presented.
Shay with his buddy.
A video of Fin and Shay Rocking out to Jessie Roper
Just some fun dancing!
Fun with Cleo
Had to get up close for Tacocat
Fin and Shay LOVED Tacocat. We ended up getting one of their albums
Apparently Security is lax when this guy gets bracelets