So this new role is pretty hard work. There isn't too much training; it's a lot of learning on the job! But everyday is rewarding. We don't quite have a routine yet but there is a loose set of daily expectations. Lots of diapers, of course, and lots of feeding AND TONS OF CUDDLES. I try to add some yoga and a walk into each day for my health and sanity but I'm not always successful. We bath every other day but sometimes it is necessary before that (lots of spit-up and other accidents). I'm singing and talking with Fin all of the time and we play and let him stretch his legs and look around at stuff. Naps are pretty consistent - I can usually count on him to sleep for 3 or 3 and a half hours in the afternoon. Morning naps are a little spotty; he mostly cat-naps after eating in the morning which means that I usually can't brush my teeth or clean up until I have some help or only in 5-10 minute bursts.
So it's busy. I try to have him in the cuddly-wrap while I tidy and clean but he, more often than not, disagrees with this and struggles and cries and I let him win. I'm going to have to stop letting him win if I want to get anything done around here!
But I love it even when I hate it. And I'm surprised with how I'm changing. I'm more relaxed and can let things go and laugh at myself more easily. I must have had a big glob of spit-up on my chest for a couple of hours the other night but didn't notice! I laughed when I finally figured out where the strong and bothersome smell was coming from. Ha!
So fun!
Fin and I try to get out of the house every day. It's pretty warm around here (compared to the rest of Canada) so he usually wears a sweater and a hat and some booties. Here he is in his kitten toque. Cute!
He cries every time we start putting the sweater or any hat on him. I don't think he like leaving the apartment but he certainly wouldn't like mummy if we stayed in all of the time. He usually cries for the first bit and then falls asleep in the stroller or cuddly-wrap.
Here is Finlay in his new bouncer. He smiled the first time I put him in it! I wish i had the video camera when I first turned the vibration on - he let out a giddy squeal!
A little smile in the bouncer!
He makes it bounce when his moves. At first he is confused by the movement, and then just excited!
We are trying to be more consistent with Tummy Time. He hates it. Mostly he screams and does his sheep crying (purple-face crying). I've tried toys, mirrors, and laying on the floor with him - nothing has worked so far. So I have him on his tummy a few times a day for short stints. He'll learn to love it?
But the bouncer is a success - it means that I can make meals without him in the cuddly-wrap (which I feel better about because of the hot things in the kitchen). Below is a link to the video I took of him while making soup the other night.