September 28, 2011
Well the 9th month sure has been an interesting one. Finlay is now on the move any chance he gets which means we are getting a lot more use out of our pack and play (aka baby jail) so we can make a snack, make some tea or use the bathroom. As you will soon see in the videos below Finlay's new favorite activity is to try and stand up using whatever means available to him. He will just stand on the couch holding on to the back for as long as you we will sit there with him. He loves to practice by doing squats and sitting down and then starting all over again.
This past weekend was the Vancouver Island Baby Fair. It is pretty well a large baby trade show stocked with the newest clothes, toys, food supplies, maternity wear and just about anything else you can imagine may have to do with babies. There were even baby races. We watched a few of them and decided that, had we been there on time to sign Fin up for the races, he would have kicked some serious baby butt. We even thought about going back on Sunday for the second day of races to enter Fin. But we decided that Fin was still pretty new at crawling and there was no need for any extra pressure. We picked up some great new clothes for Finlay at the baby fair as well as getting as many discounts for a friend of ours who is newly pregnant but was unable to make it to the fair.
Walking around and seeing all the excited newly pregnant couples certainly added a little dose of nostalgia to the event and we reminisced about the past 18 months. It has flown by too quickly in some respects and feels like a lifetime ago in others. It is also a year since we moved into our new apartment. We remember sitting at the kitchen table in late September of last year in a house full of boxes looking at the bare walls thinking about how we could make this empty apartment feel like home. Well, after a year including nine of the craziest and most exciting months of our lives, we are certainly feeling at home. We talk about how we miss living in Sooke when the fall weather descends and the leaves begin to turn but we really have fallen in love with our little home with our little family.
Well that brings us to our first video of this blog entry. The first video is of Lyndze and Fin at lunch. Finlay loves to feed himself whenever possible. However, once he has the spoon in his hand he is often reluctant to let it go so Lyndze has developed a fun game to get it back.
The second video is of Fin playing his new favorite game. He loves to use his piano to play but it has also become one of his favorite tools to practice standing up. You will notice some very cute pants that we just got for Fin at the baby fair. They are called "monkey pants"and they come in lots of cute patterns. We liked these ones the best.