Finlay is going through something. He seems to be pretty prone to tantrums and moans about a lot of stuff. He knows what he wants and just can't seem to tell us what it is that he needs. It's heartbreaking and frustrating and funny (in a way). When he loses it, he will drop to the floor on his front, all sprawled out, screaming into the floor. It's kinda cute.
But, most of the time, it is easy to pick up the pieces and help him move on. If he is hurt, he loves the wind-chimes around the house to distract him/magically cure all boo-boos. If we ask him if he needs a drink or food and he screams louder it is usually part of the problem, so a drink and a snack will help him calm down. But best of all, he loves his "Blankie." If he is generally grumpy or sad (he has been teething pretty hard all month) then Blankie is the cure-all for little Fin. We try and limit Blankie-time to naps and bed, but on occasion he will need it and crawl to his room and pull it off of the crib.
Kyla and the kids at daycare know how much Finlay loves his Blankie. One of the other kids tried it out (Finlay made the blue blanket look so appealing) and Finlay was pretty upset! He only shares his Blankie with those he trusts and feels really close with, like Tyler and I. I caught him on video (see below) doing just that.
Finlay and his Blankie
Mama and her scarf with Finlay and his Blankie.
Blankie even makes his 4 new molars and 4 coming eye teeth feel better!
"Ah, Blankie... I love you!"
Video of Finlay and his "Blankie"