About Us

Victoria, BC, Canada
This blog began as a modern "baby book" for our first child, Finlay, who was born in December of 2010. The recent addition of Seamus, born in January of 2013, has meant continued efforts to put into words and pictures his early years. We also use this forum to catalog our family life: two loving partners, two beautiful kids, car-free, child-centred, attachment-focused, with a love of food and health thrown into the mix!

Finlay takes on the Coastal Temperate Rainforest

April 30, 2012

As of April 21st Finlay is now running through the forests like the wild child we always new he was. When we first got here Fin was still new to walking and the roots, stumps, leaves and logs were going to be a big challenge for him.  But where we see a challenge Finlay seems to only see opportunity. Within a couple days in the woods Fin has developed a number of adorable skills.

Walking up AND down stairs is a new favourite pass time of Fin (and therefore also a new favourite pass time of mom and dad) and he is getting more and more confident at doing it on his own.  It is quite amazing to watch.

As some of you may know, our little cabin in the woods sits atop a hill.  On the second day of Fin's time at camp he had attempted to walk up the hill on his own and not quite understing the physics and body position needed to avoid tumbling backwards.  After one particular tumble Dad offered to pick Fin up.  He was met with a slap on the hand from Finlay and a strong shaking of the head "NO!"  Fin then spent the better part of an hour attempting to walk up the hill.  Eventually he began to realize the importance of leaning forward and slowly made his way up to the top.  Fin was filled with so much excitement he toddled back down to the bottom just to do it again.   It was so much fun to get to watch him learning a skill that I have no memory of ever having to figure out.

We don't have too many pics of Finlay around the camp yet.  It can be tough to take pictures when Finlay is experiencing so many new things.  And by "experiencing" we of course mean, sticking them in his mouth.  But here they are and we will work to get some new ones up soon!

This is Finlay's new room. Mom found a great little table and chair set that Fin loves to play at.
It will need a new coat of paint one of these days. But that is more for mom and dad. Finaly does not seem to mind.
Because we are still spending some time back in Victoria we had to make a choice of what toys and snuggley things to bring with us. Scout (the green dog in the picture) made the trip up to camp. Fin loves to play, dance and hug scout. 

Even though I may tell stories of Finlay's walking adventures we still get to spend lots of time carrying him around. As we carry him around he hears noises in the woods and gets excited all excited and points at all his new discoveries.

Lyndze and I debate back and forth how we feel about baby leashes (even if they are disguised as cute backpacks) and still we see pros and cons to deciding whether or not to get one it sure seems like a good idea now that we experienced how quickly Fin can take off running when something catches his attention.  Here you see Finlay running across the waterfront towards... what could be so exciting? 

Well the Kayaks of course!  
We have not had Fin out on the lake in a Kayak or Canoe yet but we will be sure to get lots of pictures and maybe some videos too when we hit the water.

Fin has really hit the toddler stage. It is actually a lot of fun if you can manage to keep your cool.  Here we see a prime example of a Finlay face that no longer wants the snack in his bowl. It is too bad he is so darn cute when he gets upset and starts throwing food. 

Fin has learned many different signs to tell us what he needs. But one sign that we have worked on lots is the "all done" sign. It is meant to be used when Fin has had enough of whatever it is we are doing or feeding to him.  It is not one of Fin's favourites.  He much prefers to simply flip the bowl upside down. It is a similar but messier version of the sign we have tried to teach him 

Now that Fin's bowl is empty and he has thrown all that he no longer wants on the floor we get a cute little look and then...

He asks for more!

Toddling to Camp

April 15, 2012

You may have noticed that we have been posting less often than we used to; I have been aiming for four quality posts a month.  Well, we will be moving to camp in just a few days and this means that there may be even fewer posts.  I just wanted to get that out there so those who are regular blog visitors are prepared.

We are getting ready for the move.  I am hesitant to say "we're ready" because it seems too good to be true.  I must be forgetting something, or a bunch of things - so I am still feeling a bit panicked and stressed about the transition to camp for our family and for me (professionally/work).  But this is normal for me this time of year.  Actually, last year when I was on maternity leave, and had no work responsibilities, I still felt stressed and I like I should be moving, planning, making lists, having nightmares about the dining hall, and so on...

But move we must.  We are keeping the apartment and putting it on the market as a vacation rental.  If you know anyone who is interested in a week or two in downtown Victoria, steps from Beacon Hill Park, Cook Street Village, and the Inner Harbour, let us know!

So with spring weather, comes BBQ!  Yes, we vegans and other conscious eaters still know how to BBQ. I made some fabulous black bean and chickpea burgers while Tyler skilfully crafted some rye-sour-dough buns (with Finlay's sour-dough, see http://harvey-roach.blogspot.ca/2010/12/new-pics-because-we-know-thats-what-you.html).  Of course, there were dill pickles, Dijon, ketchup, greens, tomatoes, and some Russet and Yam fries.  Finlay had a whole half a burger!  This kid can eat!

Pretty Burger.  We had beer, Fin had his "bop."

We sat on the patio with Fin at the door so we could all enjoy a meal outside.

He ate the burger top-to-bottom.

Finlay is a toddler.  He looks like a toddler.  He acts like a toddler.  He is taller and faster and smarter and getting less baby-like all of the time.  Diaper changes often take place standing up and costume changes often result in a half-naked kid running around the house.

Like so.

Monkey see, Monkey sweep.

If we are cleaning, Fin want to help.  Here he is sweeping up the house.

"Mama, you missed a spot!  I'll get it!"

Today, we made crackers and Finlay helped.

They are in the shapes of owls and stars.  Fin did not want to wait for them to bake.

"Can I have one?"

We can to make a quick trip to the mall for a baby-gate and Fin wasn't interested in pants.  Tutu it is!

Fin loves his camouflage tutu.  Luckily, his shoes make squeaks when he walks, otherwise we might lose him (camo helps him blend in). 

He feels pretty.

Pretty fast, that is!  Tutus make us faster!

Also, please enjoy this short video of Finlay with his Easter card from Grandma.  The card is still going strong and played with every day - what a hit!

Easter sans Bunny

April 8, 2012

Happy Easter everyone.  No bunny visited our place this year.  I guess Fin is a little too little.  But we still had a nice day.  Lots of church bells ringing downtown.  People walking out in the sunshine in their Sunday Best.  It was so warm and glorious in Victoria that we decided to head to Sooke.  It's a different weather system there.  It was cooler and cloudy.  But again, we didn't mind!  We went for a walk and ticked a few more things off of our list of to-dos before we move to camp (less than two weeks to go!).

We relaxed in the morning.  Finlay played in a basket.

Cheeky Monkey!

Had friends stop by...  Here is Finlay reading "Where is the Green Sheep?" to his new pal Peter.

More fun in baskets.

Playing some tunes while sitting comfy in his toy basket.

At Camp: he saw the water and walked 50 metres straight to pick up a rock...

Proudly hold it...

and throw it in the lake.

Finlay meets "Fred" the tree.  I think he made a good first impression.

It's a nice view from up there in the MEC backpack.

Back in sunny Victoria...  Finlay and daddy enjoy some afternoon sun with the patio door open.  Finlay plays with his car and drives it...

...on daddy's head...

...and into his eye!  

It was a very nice day.  Can't believe there is still another day off to enjoy together!  We are having too much fun!

A Great Friday!

April 6, 2012

We had a really nice day.  The weather was cool but the sun was out.  Finlay is over his cold and full of fun of energy.  Tyler made pancakes this morning while Fin was taking a nice long nap.  Our friend Tariq, and his son "Monk" (short for Monkey, a nickname) who is just 2 and a half months older than Fin, dropped by and the five of us went out to the park and for some Ethiopian food (which Finlay loves).  The park was a bee hive of activity.  So many children were swarming the playground that Finlay, who is patient, polite, calm, and cautious, could not get a turn on the slide unless mama bear found a way in.  We were all concerned that Fin would get run over by an older kid or worse (lots of adults not looking where they are going).  But Fin was excited, as always, to watch the older kids.  He loves to observe, absorb, and puts what he learns into practice.  For example, right now he is just loving rolling his arms for "Wheels on the Bus!"  He does the actions when we sing the song, he does the actions to ask us to sing the song, and Tyler even saw him on the baby monitor doing the actions in his sleep!  Fin learns from the big kids!  He also picks up lots of new tricks from his dad!  Check out the pics below to see what I'm talking about!

He wants to try everything we eat/drink!

Here is Finlay tasting his first cream ale.

He liked it.  A lot.

Fin shared his snack with his friend, Monk.

By looking at this picture you may think it is windy out but it is actually due to his hair having this adorable natural curl.  Lyndze calls the curls his "wings." So cute!  

Fin and Monk are playing on the bench while waiting for lunch.

Lunch is on the way! 

Mom and Fin on the patio enjoying some sunshine.

The park near our house has lots of fun activities for kids of all ages. Fin has a few favourites. Here you we can see Fin playing a piano like toy. 

Weeeeeee! Some days Fin loves the slide. Other days he is not so fond of it. Today was definitely a slide day.