Happy Mother's Day!
It's been a really nice week here in Victoria! Yes, we've been in Vic for the past 5 days visiting with family from back East. After a few days up island, surfing in Tofino and drinking wine with Chris & Mike in Nanoose, Nans and Gramps made their way to Humboldt Street and so did the sunshine and warm spring weather.
It was a lovely visit filled with lots of food and drink, walking, playing in the park, evening cuddles and stories, and taking the wonder of each other in! Finlay was very interested in his grandparents - so much so that we couldn't do our evening bath and bed routine because he felt he was missing out on the action and just wanted to keep hanging out with them.
Here is Finlay and Gramps (playing guitar in the background). Finlay is making a funny face because he wants to play with the camera and I won't let him. Until I took the camera out to catch the moment, Fin was very interested in the guitar and the chords Gramps was playing. He even got to strum too.
Here we see an adjustment turn into some tickle time. So funny!
And Finlay tries to get away but just can't seem to get anywhere.
Finlay didn't want to cuddle in bed for bedtime stories with his mum and dad. He just wanted to cuddle on the couch with his Nans and have stories with his grandparents every night. Nose rubs!
He zoned out when Nans gave him a head massage. No wonder he loves hanging out with her!
"I'll hammer and you catch the balls!" A game that kept his attention for longer than the average.
Outside on a warm evening looking for doggies and horses.
Another Nans-inspired game involving the lantern.
Many giggles before bed-time make for a nice and easy sleep!
Gramps and Finaly and new discoveries.
Last night of the visit and Finlay was all about stories with Nans and Gramps.
And grabbing Gramps' chin.
Thanks for the stories, the games, the snuggles, and all of the time spent together! Finlay really loves you two! See you again soon!