July 2, 2012
Summer weather has not yet made an appearance on Vancouver Island. I had high hopes when I drew back the curtains in Finlay's room on Sunday and saw a beautiful blue-sky day! We got dressed and sunscreened to go down to the beach to throw rocks into the waves. Shorts, t-shirts, and a sweater packed (just in case) and we made it down the stairs and into the stroller but as soon as we hit the driveway we were surprised by a cold wind, a light drizzle and overcast skies. It was only 8:30 but about 10 degrees out!
Sweaters and rain coats and some hot drinks later we were on our way to the beach anyway. This
is the "wet coast" and we'll go outside anyway!
So, not so much heat like Ontario but there are still berries! We went over to Hilary's where we ate so much delicious food for lunch that Tyler and I didn't eat dinner! Salad from her garden, fresh baked bread, brownies and raspberries and coconut ice cream! Finlay loved the mango-avocado salsa and the marinated tofu.
We went out to play in the garden and Hilary had saved Finlay a special treat: she has a raspberry bush and there were a few ripe berries. She helped Fin find the berries and he got super excited and got to pick them and eat them! He knew just what to do and went back to more! It was so special to watch and we got a few pictures.
I asked him what he sees there on the bush and he had lots of Finlay-Speak to relay to me and Hil. He saw the berries right away and wanted some.
At first we picked one and gave it to him to see if he would like it. Sometimes he just wants to chew the berry and spit it out. He loved it right from the plant and ate it!
Then, Hilary helped him locate his own berry and he picked it!
And straight into the mouth it went!
He was signing "more" right away so we helped him find another ripe one to pick and eat.
"Mmmmmm!" he says!
Story time? Finlay is really into books about bears right now. Especially the same two books over and over and over again. Hilary tried to read him a new book and, although she and I were having a good time, Finlay shortly lost interest.
We tried to convince him but he was not into it. It's an interesting phase to us because he used to be so excited to be read to no matter what the book but now he is choosing the books and telling us "more" or "again" or "no" about books and it is so clear that he has preferences and will assert what he is in the mood for or not.
And a couple of Videos: The first one is playing in the garden with the ball (then remembering raspberries and looking for more).
The second video is a little out of focus but shows one of Finlay's newest tricks. He is eating with a spoon!