About Us

Victoria, BC, Canada
This blog began as a modern "baby book" for our first child, Finlay, who was born in December of 2010. The recent addition of Seamus, born in January of 2013, has meant continued efforts to put into words and pictures his early years. We also use this forum to catalog our family life: two loving partners, two beautiful kids, car-free, child-centred, attachment-focused, with a love of food and health thrown into the mix!


September 20, 2013

This year, Lyndze and I finally decided to hit up the big festival that Victoria holds every Sepetember.  Rifflandia consists of three days of outdoor music in a park just outside of the downtown core and three evenings of music in bars and venues around town. It would probably be considered primarily an indie music festival except for its head-liners at the park.  One of the head-liners this year that we were very excited about was Courtney Love. She was a late addition to the festival and Lyndze and I were really excited as it was a chance to feel like angst-y teenagers again and due to the fact that the park portion of the festival is incredibly family friendly it gave us a chance to introduce our kids to some of those feelings early on!  There are some pics and a few videos below of our time there. Lyndze, Carleigh, and I did get a chance to hit one of the evening venues but I think we both really came out loving the time we got to spend with the kids there.  Perhaps a bit more time in the beer garden would have been nice but we'll be happy with what we got.
As it is a very loud event there are great kids earphones you can pick up. Here is Fin rocking a pair while he listens to The Mounties play on the main stage.

 There was a large tented area called "Kid-landia" that had lots of fun activities for kids as well as a nice comfortable couch for breastfeeding mom's and a nice clean place changing diapers.  There were also a tone of fun volunteers there ready to play with the kids.  As you can see from the expression above,  Fin loved it and really did not want to leave.

 This was just a huge box filled with coloured rice. Fin loved it and Lyndze is considering making something similar for the daycare.

 Fin and Mom enjoying some french fries together while listening to Corb Lund.

 There were two stages at the park that would rotate so while the crowds were at the second stage we decided to relax for a few minutes, get the head phones off and crawl around. There was a grassy space at the back where most of the families hung out which was fantastic because it gave Fin some kids to run around with all day!

 Here is Seamus rocking his headphones.  We were a little concerned that he would not be happy with them as they were so large but he really did not seem to mind.

Here is a video of Seamus at the concert. As the video goes on he really starts to get into the music. Rock On, little guy!

We snacked and lunched on our blanket in the sun.  It was a beautiful and warm weekend.

There were a lot of other young families; dozens of strollers lined the back of the audience.  There were many kids wearing the ear protection.

Here is a video of Fin dancing a bit to Classified.

There was an opportunity to paint.  Fin and Lyndze left their marks.

Fin loved the blocks at kidlandia.

He kept going back for more and loved when the volunteers built towers around him so he could knock them down!

Shay slept in the Ergo, but Lyndze took him into the crowd and close to the stage during shows as well.

It did rain for most of Sunday afternoon/evening.  Fin loved the rain though!  Getting to hold/play with an umbrella is pretty fun.

He could also chill in this tepee to stay dry.

Shay is really loving standing.  He was holding the gate and standing all on his own!

Everyone loves a moustache ride!  I actually got my hair cut at one of the festival barber shops.  This was part of their décor.  

Seamus loved his sweet ride as well as the music.  But most of all, he just loved having his mama, daddy, and big brother all day for three days!

Fin loved the same stuff but also this riser - it was a playground for him!

Carleigh was working the VIP beer garden and Fin was calling out to her through the fence.

Amazing shows.  So well-organized and lots of stuff to do.  Also, it was a great place to grab some food and just hang out and do nothing but be together.  We can't wait to do it again next year!

Hopefully there will be more moustache rides in 2014!

Finlay's Puddle Jumping Fun

September 17, 2013

While September typically proves to be a warm dry month in Victoria, we are still never without some rain and, for one almost three year old, this is wonderful news.   On one rainy afternoon, Finlay and I (Tyler) hit the streets in our rain gear in search of some puddles that needed jumping.  It was a lot of fun and some great exercise.  Below you will find a few pics and a few videos of Fin stomping around the neighbourhood.

Fin was just so so happy to stomp around. His smile is just priceless.

 Fin got all dressed up in his Newt Suit and with umbrella in hand we would head in search of puddles.  We had recently bought him a bright yellow umbrella that is shaped like a Bee. It is little and cute and Fin loves it. However, for most of the time we were out in the rain Fin insisted on carrying my black umbrella leaving the almost 31 year old man standing on the street under a very small bee umbrella. Sorry, no pictures were available of that.

 Finlay found a drain spout that was high up off the ground and spent quite some time playing underneath it

 Another shot of the very exciting drain spout shower

We scored a the jackpot near the end of our puddle jumping excursion at a place where the bottom of two hills meet. This made for some very large and deep puddles that simply could not be ignored.

Here is Fin in one of the large puddles again. You will also notice that he has taken his yellow bee umbrella back. This was nice as I was getting tired of the sarcastic comments from everyone walking by us.

What a wonderful way to spend a rainy day!

The Village Family Daycare

September 12, 2013

As I mentioned, we have begun a home daycare.  It's called "The Village."  We offer a gentle-parenting/attachment-style approach to care.  We play outside every day and we are getting crafty and trying lots of sensory play.  I won't be putting pictures of our new friend(s) up here because I respect their privacy.  But here are a few pics of some things we have been up to!

We have a new felt-board.  Here are the boys making a felt person on the board.  We also have letters and I will be cutting out more fun things for the board as we go.  Shay thinks this is hilarious.

The felt person has some clothes and I had to cut-out some instruments as per Finlay's request: a couple of horns and a violin.

Here is Fin putting up an instrument.  He also tries to play the felt horns ("I just pretending, Mama.")

Here is Fin's hand, with a sticker on it, playing with some home-made play-dough.  It is pumpkin pie scented and edible but it is mostly salt so it doesn't taste good.

We also had some creatures to play with - this is A.'s creation (little one who we take care of).

Here is Fin playing in pink shaving cream - a sensory experience.

The car.

It feels cool.

All over him.  The other kids wouldn't touch it.  So it was a bit of a fail.  Perhaps they are not used to sensory play.  We have been doing it since Shay was born so Fin is pretty pro now.  This was more messy than I expected.  We will do it again but with more preparation.  

We are having a lot of fun!

Back to School/SAHD

September 4, 2013

Big changes in the Roach-Harvey-Grant-Carr household.  I (Lyndze) have returned to school for my MA, Tyler is home from work and now SAHD (stay-at-home-dad), and Finlay and Seamus have started daycare (in our home, with another child, and hopefully more to follow).

Here is Fin pretending he is in school.  This is not posed.  He chose this book off of the shelf and said it was "Finlay's book.  Finlay read it."  He took the book everywhere with him that day.

This is from last week.  I put Shay down on the mat so that I could go to the washroom, crossed my fingers and hoped he wouldn't lose it when I left the room.  I return and the two kids are playing on the mat.  Fin was talking to Shay about his tower and Shay was perfectly happy and engaged.  I had to get the camera.

Here they are from another angle.  Shay saw me this time.  Isn't he a cherub?

We went downtown on Labour Day and there was an antique boat festival.  We had a lot of fun going on old boats.  Fin was pumped to walk around and touch the wheel and anything else he could get his hands on.  One of the boats even had bunk beds (as well as a wood-burning oven/stove, and several bedrooms)!

Here we are, getting onto one of the boats.

"Look at that boat!"

"Mama, do you want a picture with me?"  What a sentence.  This kid can talk when he wants to.

This boat was the coolest.

There was a ladder!

After the boats, we went home for a nap.  Fin likes to sleep with toys in his bed.  He literally fell asleep whilst playing.  Tyler went in to check on him and found him like this.

Seamus has discovered balloons.  He loves them.  Don't worry, we are aware that balloons are dangerous for kids/babies and we don't leave them unattended.

Life is about to get even more... active!