I was nervous because recently in the BC news there has been a whole debate surrounding the ultrasound appointments and changes that have been put into place. Things such as having to pay for pictures, and a laundry list of things to beware of when getting your ultrasound. Such as, it is a medical procedure and the technician will not tell you anything about this procedure including gender of the baby, while it is occurring so please do not ask them questions or bother them during the procedure. And this notice to not bother the technician was posted around the waiting room in 5 different places. However, lucky for us we had a really great women that despite having already done 10 ultrasounds that day was very bubbly and was commenting on the funny things our little chick was doing and was more than happy to answer questions or try and show us interesting things.
In an attempt to make our ultrasound interesting I purchased a very sugary (organic sugar of course) cupcake from "Pink Sugar" in Victoria on Monday. We theorized that if Lyndze ate the cupcake at the right time then perhaps the sugar rush would make it to Chick just in time for the ultrasound so we could have a hyper baby and experience lots of movement. The danger of this plan of course is that if we were too late we would get Chick during a sugar crash. Which would be much less exciting... Well, I think this plan worked. On the way to the ultrasound, Lyndze did not stop talking for more then 15 seconds at a time so the sugar rush had clearly got to her and when it came time to do the ultrasound it appeared that perhaps it has gotten to the baby too as we had quite a performance from our little Chick. There was lots of wiggling and waving as well as we got some pictures of Chick practicing fetal yoga and at one point we are positive Chick "mooned" us with his/her cute little bum.... We were all laughing and joking and "ooing" and "awing" throughout the entire procedure. It really was a good time.
Aside from all the joking we had a chance to see Chicks heart, chicks hands, and feet, and little upturned nose. We smiled and laughed as we attempted to assign all of these traits that we were claiming to have seen on one another. Chicks very straight spine was assigned to Lyndze, when the technician commented on Chicks "knobby knees and skinny little legs" the was explained as a trait of mine. Below are some pictures that I'll walk you through with my dad-to-be know-how.
In this picture, you can clearly see a little arm and hand. Chick was waving her/his arms around, putting them behind her/his head, grabbing the feet (which we also have a picture of) and lots of other fun stuff.
There is two little feet! The feet that Lyndze is feeling kicking her all day.
There are two little legs sticking up in the air/amniotic fluid. We actually saw chick make a swallowing motion during the little picture show.
This is a profile of Chick. You can see the head and face on the left and then the body and a leg and knobby knee sticking up.
This is a picture of Chick looking at us. You can see the eye sockets and nose and the black part is the brain.
The technician was trying to get a picture of the other arm but Chick started doing some yoga moves. In this picture s/he is holding her/his foot with her/his hand. The technician started poking the baby to get 'em to stop. The baby responded! And eventually the other arm had its measurements taken.
We mentioned that Lyndze's dad and brother are Chiropractors and the technician was excited to get us a good picture of the spine. Part-way through the procedure, Lyndze got to go pee, and then in the second half the baby was doing all of this turning around and cool stretching. This is the baby trying what looked like down-ward dog. S/he was trying to stretch her/his legs out straight with all of that new room in there. Very cute!
So happy to see all of these pics. I have never seen so many ultrasound photos before, but it is so fun!! Can't believe how clearly you can see the spine. Love it! Thanks so much for doing this!! It makes me feel like I am there with you. xo Megan
awesome guys!!!
the sugar rush plan was clearly a stroke of genius.
oh I have to select anon, as my profile type.. hmm.. this is Aaron and not some creepy weirdo from the abyss of the internet.. well I guess I could be that too.. but this creepy weirdo's got a name.
Well aren't those pics exciting. Speaking of getting the chick to react to the sugar rush, when Megan was approx 30 weeks or somewhere around there we had an opp. to view her midnight latenight activities, if I recall her mother was involved in a 24 hr. or 48 hr. ultrasound study about chicks that were more active thru the night then thru the daytime. Anyway Meeg's was a very active acrobatic chick and did lot's of late night yoga moves. At least that's what I recall.
Hey Tyler, what's with that " nasty " grumpy picture on the blog. Delete that puppy. For God's sake don't let your new child see that, they may runaway from home and move to Onterrible . . hee, hee !
Ya the brain does appear to be large, I believe yrs. ago some doctor's suggested that I had a large entreprenuer's brain. . Go figure ? hmmm ?
P S: thanks for the blog invite. I'm just getting warmed up baby !
Hey T and L, how r things tonight. This blog thing should prove to be interesting. First time blogger and having this open forum seems like it could be alot of fun. You got to Salt Spring and do you think there is any reasonable opp. to develop what we were considering a couple of months ago.
Oh ya, what's new with you guys and the chicklette since we last blogged ?
P S: am I suppose to communicate openly like this on this blog or do I need a private blogging line or just go back to e-mail ? What do you think T. Goodnight from London. Apparently and historically if you sleep on you side you will have a girl . . hmmm . . ?
I'd adjust that!
Awesome pics.
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