Tyler - Although it feels like a a year ago already, Lyndze, Chick and I celebrated my 28th birthday on Oct 8 and it was an absolutely fantastic day. I slept in just a little bit and Lyndze made me coffee and the breakfast of my choice. I chose one of our favorite meals that used to be on the menu at a small restaurant in Victoria named Mole. It was a portabello mushrooms chopped up small and saute'd with onions and other tasty things and then placed inside an avacado that has been halved and put on top of a big salad of mixed greens. It was awesome. We then spent the bulk of the afternoon meandering around downtown. Looking in shops and stopping at my favorite cafes for food and espresso. The highlight of the birthday came with the last minute decision to get dressed up and go to the second seating of a Jazz show at the Superior cafe. Because it was a last minute decision we got to the cafe and there were no seats available. But the hostess said we looked so nice that she would try and find us a place to sit! So we ended up getting to stay and watch the show. It turned out to be a great show, amazing food, all local and organic and we met some really nice people. All in all it was a great b-day. And doesn't Lyndze look so good!

Look at her! Sooooo Cute!
Also kind of cute, if I do say so myself.
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