About Us

Victoria, BC, Canada
This blog began as a modern "baby book" for our first child, Finlay, who was born in December of 2010. The recent addition of Seamus, born in January of 2013, has meant continued efforts to put into words and pictures his early years. We also use this forum to catalog our family life: two loving partners, two beautiful kids, car-free, child-centred, attachment-focused, with a love of food and health thrown into the mix!

Ready to Hatch!

November 16, 2010

We went to the midwife yesterday.  It feels like we are there a lot because we are at the point where we go weekly.  Anyway, we have been given the go-ahead for the home-birth.  The pregnancy is now a 37 weeks which means Chick is fully cooked and just putting on ounces and practicing breathing and swallowing and being cute so the s/he is ready for the outside.  Uta thinks that Chick will be 7 or 8 pounds and that s/he will choose a birthday before the actual due date.  She said that Chick is engaged and in the perfect position for birth.  Also, the heart-rate is starting to lower and this is a sign of maturity and preparation for birth.

Chick is more and more interactive each day.  Her/his bum is below Lyndze's left ribs and her/his feet are kicking into her right ribs or out the right side.  We can pat Chick's bum and her/his little feet will start kicking.  Chick seems to enjoy foot rubs.  Occasionally, s/he will get the hiccups!  This jolts Lyndze awake.  Little hands have been feeling around her right hip and the little baby doesn't seem to agree that there is no room left and continues to practice yoga stretches.

Uta agrees that the personality of our little Chick seems rather independent and calm.  We would also add playful to the description!

Lyndze is feeling rather large and sore and tired.  Very excited though!

The car-seat is in the car, the tub is ordered, the food is being stockpiled in the freezer and two eager parents-to-be are cleaning and nesting any way we can.

The count-down is on!  20 days until the due-date and Uta suspects less than that until Chick is hatched!

 The diaper changing area, and Chick's dresser, all ready to go.

 Tyler put the shelf up and we have some toys, some disposables, our cloth pre-folds and cloth wipes.
 Chick's closet has blankets and extra cloth diapers, the stroller and some other supplies.

 The round belly is becoming a thing of the past.  Most of the time you can make out the bumpy outline of a baby!  


Noriko said...

Is the colour indicative of what you are expecting? ;o) Either way, everything looks great & it sounds like you're ready!! All the best in your home birth.

lyndze and tyler said...

We don't know if it is a boy, girl or X but we do love blue and I have some cute owl curtains on their way that have blues, brown and orange. thanks! we feel ready (as ready as you can possibly feel) and excited.
