About Us

Victoria, BC, Canada
This blog began as a modern "baby book" for our first child, Finlay, who was born in December of 2010. The recent addition of Seamus, born in January of 2013, has meant continued efforts to put into words and pictures his early years. We also use this forum to catalog our family life: two loving partners, two beautiful kids, car-free, child-centred, attachment-focused, with a love of food and health thrown into the mix!

Where Are You?

March 2, 2011

It has been a couple of weeks and there has been no post.  Where are we?  Well, the first week was a busy one with Finlay and I finally finding a baby group we enjoy, going to yoga, lots of exercise and walks and spending any time we had with Tyler at enjoying family life.  Tyler worked a very busy week with close to 75 hours clocked, so I was alone with Fin more than usual, but I kept us busy.  Then, on Saturday, we rested, went for a hike, and cooked for some friends.  As I was doing dishes that night, I could sense something wasn't right, but I couldn't put my finger on it...

I woke up in the wee hours on Sunday with Fin still asleep (he's been pretty good at sleeping these days) and feeling kind of feverish.  My joints were sore and my skin was sensitive and I felt more tired than when I went to bed.  I rested on Sunday and Tyler took care of Finlay all day.  Monday is one of our big days in that Tyler works from 7:30AM until 12:00AM.  Well, the day started out okay but I just felt more and more fevered throughout the day.  I tried to call Tyler home around 6PM, when I figured out just how sick I was but his employer wouldn't let him leave.  Tyler called a very helpful friend in and this was quite the relief.  But by the time he got home at 10:30PM on Monday, I had a fever of 102.  Tuesday morning it spiked to nearly 104 and that is where it stayed all day!  The fever was due to a blocked milk duct.  I was doing all of the natural remedies and the midwife said that it is really normal for new mums to get sick in their second or third month.  The fever dropped to 101 on Wednesday and, once again, we had some wonderful help in the evening so that Tyler could work and I could sleep.

Then, on Wednesday night, I had a fabulous dream that these women, dressed all in black like ninjas, had come to cure my fever and give me a new body.  I woke up feeling like I had taken a bunch of Tylenol, like I was better but unnaturally better.  Weird....

Throughout the entire illness, I missed Finlay so much!  For about 48 hours, I only saw him for feedings!  Tyler took such good care of me and Fin.  He was Superman!

So, this is why there have been no posts!  But there were a few pictures taken over the last couple weeks that I will add this evening.

 Here is Finlay in his 'Bumbo' - he is getting stronger and stronger and so more interested in sitting on his own so that he can look around.

 We started playing airplane in the morning and he is so cute and laughs and giggles and looks around.  It's pretty fun!
 The family went on a hike and Tyler wore Fin.  There were lots of other dads along the trail wearing their babies.  The weather was beautiful and the hike was fun.
 Fin quickly fell asleep.
 We managed to get him buckled in without waking up.
New development: Fin has begun to engage with toys!  This is Fin in his bouncer with a wooden caterpillar and he loves to look at it and talk to it and even grab it (fluke, I'm sure).  Really cute!

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