About Us

Victoria, BC, Canada
This blog began as a modern "baby book" for our first child, Finlay, who was born in December of 2010. The recent addition of Seamus, born in January of 2013, has meant continued efforts to put into words and pictures his early years. We also use this forum to catalog our family life: two loving partners, two beautiful kids, car-free, child-centred, attachment-focused, with a love of food and health thrown into the mix!


November 12, 2012

Finlay got some new wheels!  He is pretty excited about the bike trailer!  When we went to MEC to buy it (after much research and planning, and talking with Fin about it), he saw the demo trailer and said "Mine!" and ran and got right into it!  He sat down proudly and waited for it to move.

It was easy to put together and Tyler took Fin for his first ride today.  As we were walking downstairs, to the basement/garage, he started saying "bike" for the first time.  He was more than excited and cooperative about getting on board, strapped in, and helmeted.  During the ride, Finlay was sqealing "fun!" when Tyler took him down a hill.  He was not ready to end the test-drive after the planned 10 minutes and insisted "more bike" to which Tyler was more than happy to oblige. 

We'll see how the 25 minute commute to daycare goes this week!

 "What are we waiting for?"

Tyler was outlasted by the toddler on the test-run.  "More bike Gaga!"

 "Are you ready?"  He just screamed with excitement!  Tyler said "Ready?  Set?" and Fin yelled "GO!"

 Our little guy!

 "Was it fun?"  "FUN!"


So happy!

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