About Us

Victoria, BC, Canada
This blog began as a modern "baby book" for our first child, Finlay, who was born in December of 2010. The recent addition of Seamus, born in January of 2013, has meant continued efforts to put into words and pictures his early years. We also use this forum to catalog our family life: two loving partners, two beautiful kids, car-free, child-centred, attachment-focused, with a love of food and health thrown into the mix!


December 10, 2012

We have a camera again!  I just couldn't do it anymore.  I felt like I was missing so much!  Finlay seems more interested in smiling for the camera, so I think he is pretty happy with this splurge as well.  I am trying to think of it as an early Christmas/30th B-day gift.  Tyler doesn't seem to agree.  We'll see.

So Christmas is getting started around the Harvey-Roach-Grant household.  The holiday tunes have been playing, the bin of decorations has been brought up from the basement, and the family has had a melt-down at a busy store on a Saturday. 

The cab wouldn't take the tree.  Tyler actually carried it home while pushing Fin in the the stroller!  A nice woman pulled over in her car and commented that "This man has chutzpah!" and offered to drive the tree the remaining distance. 

Tyler and I suck at getting a tree to stay up and stay straight.  It has fallen over (without decorations) several times.  It is the biggest tree we have ever had and we chose the smallest one there!

This house is so much bigger than any place we have ever lived.  There are enough decorations for a small apartment and a small tree.  We ran out of lights.  So, we have a half-lit, undecorated, tall tree in the corner of our living room.  Not what we had planned on accomplishing this weekend. 

Nesting energy has begun.  I am cleaning and detailing a lot.  The baby is out of breech (for now).  I am trying to keep moving so that I stay loose and not in breech.  With our latest appointment with Uta, we talked about what a breech delivery would be like but she is confident that things will not be going that way and is encouraging us to continue with our current plan of the homebirth. 

We still haven't figured out where Fin will be going on Billy's birthday.  But our supplies for the labour and delivery are coming together.  All the newborn stuff is washed and put away in our dresser.  Tyler and I are getting really excited to meet this little personality.

We are feeling, however, a little guilt about how the changes will affect Fin.  He gets so much attention, so much mama AND gaga play, and there will be change with the end of daycare and staying at home with me. 

Everyone and everything says he'll adjust.  But there is guilt.

But so much joy - I am so excited to be home with Fin again!  And my "vacation" begins in less than 24 hours!  More like a "stay-cation."

 Finlay and Mama making music.

"Yay!" he says when the song is over.

Finlay playing with his boat and the new-born tub in his bath.

Loving bath.

I made Fin a felt tree and some decorations to practice decorating. 

He knew exactly what to do with it and really loved to play.

We took the ornaments off and put them back up several times. Best $10 and a nap time I've spent in a while.

Fin took some of his own pictures while we waited for latkes. Here is one of daddy cooking the latkes.

Here is Finlay waiting for latkes.

Here is Mama waiting for latkes.

Here is "baby" Billy waiting for latkes.  Finlay consistently calls the belly "baby" and wants to see the baby (my bare belly) before bedtime most nights.  Cute.

Watching Rudolf during latkes. 

Latkes were not as exciting as the apple sauce and Rudolf.  That was okay though - more for Billy.

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