January 18, 2013
Day 5 and we are in love and so very tired.
For all of the time we spend in bed you'd think we would feel somewhat rested. The other night, both little ones were up for 2 and a half hours in the middle of the night. At least they were up at the same time!
We discovered that we haven't yet acquired the skills to look after two kids at the same time, even when we are both home. It'll be quite the learning curve. As we begin to acquire these new skills we have been lucky to have friends offering support in many ways and we are so fortunate and thankful to those who have offered to make us some food, clean up the kitchen or come by to play with Fin so we can have a rest.
Seamus getting his first bath. He was a little unhappy at first but quickly relaxed and enjoyed his time in the tub.
Seamus is always happy with a pinkie finger to suck on.
Finlay lending a hand with bath time - He is turning out to be an amazingly loving older brother
As Dad towels off Seamus. You can watch Seamus' patience wearing thin. Its been a couple years since Dad has taken care of an infant. He is slow at things.
"Come on Dad, lets get on with it. I'm getting chilly"
"Are you serious? You still haven't got that diaper on? That's it.. I'm gonna cry!"
Again, Finlay is happy to help whenever he can. Here he is helping butter the baby with coconut oil.
Fin is loving his cuddle time with his new baby brother.
Finlay sitting on the bed watching Uta,our midwife, checking up with Mom and Seamus.
Dad and Seamus
Seamus' cute little feet. He has the longest little toes.
When Seamus was getting his feet stamped by the Midwife Finlay really wanted to get his done too. So after Uta stamped Seamus' feet Dad did Finlay's. Lyndze and I can't believe how big Finlay seems all of the sudden. When did that happen?
You quickly forget what an amazing feeling it is to have a little person like Seamus cuddled up on your chest. Their quick little breaths, tiny flailing arms, small snorts and high pitched cries. So incredible, and it feels like you can see them growing on a daily basis. Have to get these cuddles in while you can.
Finlay waiting to go out on one of his play dates. He has his "Best Big Bro" shirt on.
Finlay really is an amazing big brother already. We tried in many ways to prepare him for the arrival of Seamus but in reality he had no idea how his life was about to change. He was the centre of our world for two years and now he has to share us with the squirmy crying thing.
Our love may have grown but what stays the same is the hours in the day and what has changed is the hours of our time that we have to commit to Fin right now. And yet with all these changes in place and even with Seamus taking much of the time Lyndze has to offer to Finlay he has proven to be such a loving big brother. He speaks in whispers when we tell him Seamus is sleeping. He crawls up beside us on the couch just to give Seamus a gentle kiss the cheek. He wants to help with baths and has a genuine interest in his new little brother.
I am sure there will be moments where he loses his cool or has a fit and just wants his old life back. But for now he is being such an amazing big brother. I really don't know what I should have expected. Fin has always been a gentle soul and we are so excited for him to help raise Seamus!
So, on we go to more sleepless nights and new adventures. Family will be starting to arrive on the island in the coming days and we can't wait for them to meet Seamus!