There are so many firsts in these early years with kids. Finlay's first Christmas was when he was just 10 days old. Shay will be one in a few short weeks and it is only his first Christmas. We stayed with Nans and Gramps in London for a few wonderful days. Nans put on a lovely Christmas; the house was decorated (she went above and beyond) and even Finlay's room had some deer decals and a Rudolph stuffy on his bed. The tree was large and bright and there were many presents underneath it. There was snow, and lots of it, out in the woods behind the house. But, most importantly, there was family, friends, and a great sense of appreciation for these moments shared together. I just love seeing other people enjoy my kids. The food, the drink, the giving and receiving, the music and atmosphere, and the mood of the season was cheerful and warm. So much love!
It's the big day! Finlay has a look of pure joy. I can see the red hue in Shay's hair. Ty looks... tired? Couldn't be because Nans and Gramps had the baby most of the night.
Fin walked into the living room and went right to the window to admire the snow. Gifts can wait. Admire beauty first!
Santa ate the cookies and some of the carrot Finlay and Shay left for the big man.
Going for the stalking first. He just couldn't believe any of the toys were for him!
Shay had a beautiful stocking made for him by his Gramma.
I think he can read because he went right for his little trike.
Happy first Christmas Shay-Shay!
He was more interested in the presents and the unwrapping that morning.
Finlay got a camera from his Nans and Gramps. He walked around snapping shots and saying "say cheese" over and over. It was adorable.
Shay wanted in his trike. We sighed 'bike' and he was say 'eeee' and flap and get so excited. He was actually getting the thing to move, too.
Among all of the lovely things that were Christmas, there was more snow! And hockey, as the Harvey family tradition goes. The World Juniors were on so our kids were exposed to an almost-as-large-as-life picture of the game(s). Gramps got Fin a hockey stick and he and Carleigh (and some Aussies) went outside to "shoot some pucks."
"Finlay got a stick!"
"Keep your stick down, honey."
He treats everything stick-like as if it is a sweep for the chimney a la 'Burt' in Mary Poppins.
Carleigh showed him how she does it.
"Like this?"
"Keep the stick down, please."
And he shoots...
Mostly he wanted to "cut" the snow with his stick. He is interested, but in his own somewhat-sheltered-from-televised-sports sort of way. We'll try to expose him to more sport this coming year with soccer in the summer and some time playing Football (Aussie rules, of course).
A big and special thank you to all who participated, hosted, visited, and were understanding of our busy pulled-in-many-directions time in Ontario. We really enjoyed spending what time we did have with you all. And, for those we missed, we hope to return in the summer time!
We feel very loved and it was a joy to see the kids interact with you all. Thanks for the lovely and thoughtful gifts and all of the many ways in which you tried to make our time in Ontario so special. It sure was!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
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