About Us

Victoria, BC, Canada
This blog began as a modern "baby book" for our first child, Finlay, who was born in December of 2010. The recent addition of Seamus, born in January of 2013, has meant continued efforts to put into words and pictures his early years. We also use this forum to catalog our family life: two loving partners, two beautiful kids, car-free, child-centred, attachment-focused, with a love of food and health thrown into the mix!

Happy Half

June 1, 2014

I can't believe it is June.

Today it was 25 degrees (probably hotter in our sheltered and South facing back yard) and sunny.

It was the perfect day for...


Yes, Finlay is 3.5 this month!  Just a reminder, we do not have a party on his actual b-day due to its placement in the calendar - people are busy in December!  Why add one more party near Christmas when we can have a lovely outdoor gathering in June!

The theme was bikes.  Fin was very active in the planning of the party.  He chose the guests (seriously, I had no hand in it).  He mostly selected adults.  He asked for his neighbour, W., and her dad to come (he really likes Ron and Ron's truck).  He asked for little A. from our home daycare to come.  They are such good buds.  And his friend B., but maybe more B.'s dad Richard (I think he thought Rich would bring his drum set?).  And he adult set of friends (our friends).  He missed his aunty Car-car, though!

He selected the menu:

  • Carrots and Cucumbers (peeled) with hummous (daddy's own recipe) and crackers (thanks for hooking him on store-bought, Nans!)
  • Sushi with avocado, cucumbers, and carrots
  • Salad for Mama (goddess bowl a la "Oh She Glows", although I make it with raw veg) 
  • Salad for Daddy (cous-cous Greek Salad a la my own recipe, our fav summer salad)
  • Chocolate Cake with raspberries - I was shocked and somewhat sad that he did not ask for cupcakes.
He selected the theme and activities:

  • BIKES!
  • Wash our bikes
  • Decorate our bikes
  • Ride our bikes

Kids and hoses.

Kids over to play.

Food and CAKE!

Fin is excited for cake and the birthday song.  He said 'Mama, sing it to me!' as though we might consider singing it to someone else.  Cute.

Happy Half-Birthday to YOU!

As a kid, I was always stealing roses from my cakes.  Fin steals raspberries.  I will try to make some roses next time.  Or edible flowers, maybe? 

Chocolate cake with chocolate ganache filling (4 layers) and butter-cream (vegan) frosting and chocolate shavings to hide the disaster that was the sides of the cake.  Not even I could tell it was a patchwork job!

Ty and Gibbs.

Alyx, Fin, and I enjoying cake.

Bike decorating!

Helmet decorating

Fin was so excited about the decorating and his helmut he was vibrating.  Wait, maybe that was because he was under the influence of cake.

Going for a ride!

Tyler actually lets go and Fin pedals and steers for a while.

It's a lot of work for Tyler but they both love it and the two of them have been riding around the neighbourhood for about a week.  

It was a lovely party and Finlay did not want it to end.  He's old enough now that he really appreciated that the party was for him.  He had such a good time and was so glad to see everyone.  He said, later that day, that the people at his party love him and loves all the people who came to celebrate.  It was sweet.  Sweeter than cake.

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