About Us

Victoria, BC, Canada
This blog began as a modern "baby book" for our first child, Finlay, who was born in December of 2010. The recent addition of Seamus, born in January of 2013, has meant continued efforts to put into words and pictures his early years. We also use this forum to catalog our family life: two loving partners, two beautiful kids, car-free, child-centred, attachment-focused, with a love of food and health thrown into the mix!

Oh, Christmas Tree!

December 11, 2011

Yesterday, we had a very nice start to our Christmas season.  After a lovely breakfast and a nap, we took a walk to the local Christmas Market (the Moss Street Market we attend in the warm months but it is inside and there is free apple cider).  We were on a quest for a tree-topper.  Last year, I meant to go out and get one but I had a baby instead.  So in 2010, our tree was topped with a sort-of-bow.  But I really wanted a pretty gold star that is sparkly with lots of glitter.  Well, we walked along the crowded bazaar, with Finlay in the Ergo carrier, and didn't see a single tree-topper.  But we did see Kyla, Finlay's childcare in the new year, and that was nice.  We also had a lovely lunch cooked by the Immigrant Women's Collective (Finlay's first taste of saffron) and just enjoyed the market atmosphere.  I let Finlay try my cider and I may have created a monster - he was pretty disappointed when I signed "all gone."

Finlay is back on the signing wagon.  He concurred the sign for "more" over the past few days which was handy during our tree-decorating appetizer-dinner.  Finlay's portion of the tray was avocado pieces, latkes (traditionally Hannukah, but we have made them tree-decorating tradition of ours) and apple sauce.  I put the tray down on the coffee table and Finlay immediately scampered up and started chowing down.  We have never eaten there with him before but he just went for it!  He was signing more for the latkes as he seemed to inhale them pretty quickly.  Tyler and I had homemade pizza and cider (with rum) after Fin went down.

Finlay and the latkes. 

Got a little somethin' on your face.

Touching the tree.  He reaches out very carefully to touch it lightly, then he looks up at me with an "I did it!" expression.  So cute.

So excited about the tree.

Almost done!  A few more decorations after Fin goes to bed and still needs a topper.

Fin and his drink.

Only one decoration bit the dust.

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