About Us

Victoria, BC, Canada
This blog began as a modern "baby book" for our first child, Finlay, who was born in December of 2010. The recent addition of Seamus, born in January of 2013, has meant continued efforts to put into words and pictures his early years. We also use this forum to catalog our family life: two loving partners, two beautiful kids, car-free, child-centred, attachment-focused, with a love of food and health thrown into the mix!

A Very Merry Christmas!

December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas everyone!  Finlay had a tough time falling asleep last night, even after his bedtime story of "The Night Before Christmas," and I think it was because of a man and a red suit.  I know Tyler and I were eager to see what Santa would bring for us!

We had a lovely morning and afternoon.  A lot of new traditions for our new family.  Last night, we had a dinner of appetizers and watched a movie.  This morning there were cinnamon buns and what is left of my Christmas baking (peanut-butter balls, ginger cookies, macaroons) and lots of coffee.  We opened our stockings first and then opened the rest of the gifts under the tree.

This afternoon, we met up with about 30 other people, local families, and went for a walk at Thetis Lake.  The weather was windy and rainy, but the people were warm and welcoming.  We planned on going last year but Finlay was born a little later than we anticipated and so we weren't really up for it.  It is a tradition we would really like to continue!

Now we are home, eating more yummy food and playing with all of our new toys.  Dinner tonight is West Coast Turkey (Dungeness Crab), some mashed Russets, and baked brussel sprouts.  We also have some Saturna Island champagne to enjoy.

Our first family Christmas on our own has been successful (so far).  Reflecting on our day, we feel really rich.  We have families who love us (and are probably enjoying Christmas dinners as I write this) and we miss everyone so much and so enjoyed our g-chats with everyone today.  We still feel very much connected despite the distance.  We feel rich because we got lots of great presents and have enjoyed so many wonderful dishes over the holiday.  We feeling like we hit the jack-pot because we have a beautiful and kind little monster in our midst and Finlay, Tyler, and I are all so in love with each other.  It's all pretty special.

So, we tried to capture some things on camera today but mostly we just enjoyed everything and decidedly stored our mental pictures.  Here's what we've got:

The tree with the stockings and a pig from Santa.

Kind of blurry but this is Finlay's pig and his beautiful stocking (made by Aunt Lindsay and Grand Moo-ma.

Finlay went right for the pig.  He was very excited about the piggy's face and when it rolled when he touched it he looked at my with excitement. 

Fin and his piggy!

He went to his room to check out his newest toy from Grand-Mooma.  He closed his bedroom door, turned on the toy somehow, and immediatly started pressing buttons and dancing!  We have a video but it is incredibly blurred, and Tyler sounds very tired, so I'll have to get a different one soon!

Here is Finlay, digging into his stocking, and chewing on his new toothbrush that Santa brought him.  He really likes brushing his teeth - just like daddy!

Also, we caught Fin on camera playing his new favourite game:

Hope everyone out there had a very Merry Christmas!  We miss and love you all and have thought about you a lot today!  Good luck with shopping tomorrow :)

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