About Us

Victoria, BC, Canada
This blog began as a modern "baby book" for our first child, Finlay, who was born in December of 2010. The recent addition of Seamus, born in January of 2013, has meant continued efforts to put into words and pictures his early years. We also use this forum to catalog our family life: two loving partners, two beautiful kids, car-free, child-centred, attachment-focused, with a love of food and health thrown into the mix!


November 30, 2012

A lot has been going on in the Harvey-Roach-Grant(-Carr) household but our lack of camera is still bringing the blog down.

Quick update:

1)  Car is sold!  We are officially car-free and really excited about this new adventure.  So far, so good. 

Finlay and I are loving the bus.  I love my quiet ride in the morning to work with a beautiful view of the city from the Bay Street bridge.  I can see the mountains, the lights decorating the legislator building, and most of an early morning Victoria. 

Finlay loves the whole process.  When we get to the bus stop he tells us where to sit and that we will have to wait for the bus.  He tells us!  He says bus and rolls his arms and talks about the "beeps" and the doors opening and closing and says "hi" to the other people waiting for the ride.  He attracts a lot of attention.  He prefers to sit in a seat on the bus rather than the stroller.  He lookes for a "handle" to hold and a bell or button to press and is happy to wait until it is time to ring.  He screams with excitement when the doors open or shut and says "more" for the doors at every stop. 

Finlay is still riding to daycare in our bike trailer.  We are walking more.  We are prioritising our shopping in a different way.  We are living with less immediate gratification which is a really exciting direction for us, as it has been a goal for a while.  Most people are pretty supportive.  We are also pretty happy with how our budget looks!

Finlay waiting for the bus!

"I sit."

"Hi." to anyone sitting near us.

2)  Billy is breech.  Looks like this spinning baby is spun out and has landing with its bum down, head in my right ribs, and feet kicking my left side.  This is not ideal.  So, as it stands, I am 33 weeks in and if the baby doesn't turn by 35 weeks there may be a hospital birth.  We are trying to stay positive.  It is really rare that babies stay breech, especially for a second delivery.  I have been stretching, somersaulting in the pool, yoga, inversions off the couch....  Tyler has been talking and singing to Billy, trying to coax her/him down.  We have been using the strob on the bike light and the baby really seems to follow this!  This is the only thing that seems to get results!  I am also scheduled to visit a different chiropractor on Monday who does the "Websters" adjustment which has been shown to have some success in balancing the round ligaments and promoting a breech baby to turn head-down. 

A healthy baby is always the ultimate goal.  But we also would like to be at home, without drugs, and have another birth surrounded by comfort and in an environment we have more control over.  But, as we have learned over this child-bearing/rearing process over the last three years, there is very little within your control.  So, I am trying not to stress about it and just keep doing what I can do.  Billy will be Billy.  We may not always like the directions our children choose but it is their choice and all we can do is love them, right? 

3)  Finlay is really talking.  He doesn't stop.  He brings home new words every day and he is starting to repeat words without being asked.  He is just really interested in communicating.  Tyler and I are pretty talkative people, so as it is, there is a lot of chatter in our home.  Now Ty and I have to be conscious enough to tune him in, stop our conversation and engage with whatever it is that Finlay is trying to tell us.  The other night he wanted pepper on his pasta and there he was saying "more that, pepper!"  He tells us about daycare and all of the people he has kissed and seems to have a lot to say about his favourite games (recently, he and his friend Emmy play "make-up" or "I sleep" or "EllaFun" which I believe Carleigh had when she was a toddler).  Another funny game at daycare is "Find the Dodder."  As some of you may know, Finlay has been calling his soother "dodder" since the summer.  Well, now the whole daycare is using this word for soother!  The kids are all saying it and they sing songs about dodders and play games where they hide it and find it.  Parents are asking Marnie what the heck their kid is saying at home, "something like daughter?" and she has to explain!  It's a riot!

This talking thing is happening really fast.  He is also picking up on names and even has said his own name a few times.  He points as his chest and says "me" most of the time but he has said "Finlay" a few times too.  I love our little conversations.  But my heart breaks when he talks about "Bye Mama" and "Mama work" and anything related to missing me.  My heart explodes when he says "Lova ya" and "night, night" and "more pepper" - so cute! 

"Elmo" is on Piggy.  Finlay just looks like he is really pretending something here.

Elmo or Piggy is making him laugh!

Pushing Piggy so Elmo gets a turn.

Finlay says "I hide" and he and Piggy go into the closet.

Finlay likes to do whatever Daddy is doing.  Tyler is pretty into his morning stretches and so is Fin.


November 12, 2012

Finlay got some new wheels!  He is pretty excited about the bike trailer!  When we went to MEC to buy it (after much research and planning, and talking with Fin about it), he saw the demo trailer and said "Mine!" and ran and got right into it!  He sat down proudly and waited for it to move.

It was easy to put together and Tyler took Fin for his first ride today.  As we were walking downstairs, to the basement/garage, he started saying "bike" for the first time.  He was more than excited and cooperative about getting on board, strapped in, and helmeted.  During the ride, Finlay was sqealing "fun!" when Tyler took him down a hill.  He was not ready to end the test-drive after the planned 10 minutes and insisted "more bike" to which Tyler was more than happy to oblige. 

We'll see how the 25 minute commute to daycare goes this week!

 "What are we waiting for?"

Tyler was outlasted by the toddler on the test-run.  "More bike Gaga!"

 "Are you ready?"  He just screamed with excitement!  Tyler said "Ready?  Set?" and Fin yelled "GO!"

 Our little guy!

 "Was it fun?"  "FUN!"


So happy!


November 5, 2012

We have moved.  Moved-on.  Moved-up.  Been moved. 

It was a mix of emotions.  I cried when we said our final goodbyes to that wonderful apartment on Humboldt Street.  The rooms looked so small and the space so vacant without our things, our colours, and our life being lived there.  I especially had difficulty parting with the room where Finlay was born.  But I kept telling myself that this was only a space, and that I am taking the memory-makers with me. 

Finlay was perfectly fine with the whole thing.  Monday morning, when he woke up and the kitchen table and futon were taken apart he talked about it a bit but enjoyed the camp-out breakfast at the coffee table.  By Tuesday, we were pulling into the driveway at the new house and Finlay spontaniously said "home" while touching his cheek (the sign for home). 

Perhaps it was the moving back and forth to camp for 5 months that taught him that home is where we are as a family. 

He loves the new space!  Finlay has recently taken up running and just runs laps around the house.  There are some adjustments to having all that space and a less open layout.  It can be a challenge for him to know where we are and vice versa.  He is getting to know where his toys and books are and he found the backyard all on his own and wanders to the gate anytime we arrive home.

We explored a couple of the nearby parks and, although they were not as populated as Beacon Hill Park, there were nice trails and water to throw rocks into, and the usual array of dogs and friendly people. 

Tyler and I worked hard to make it home for Fin.  Now, we'll have to start making it more homey for us as Billy's birthday approaches and our plans for a homebirth get closer.  I need to nest.  I need to feel comfortable.  But nothing makes a house a home like giving birth there.  We've got time.

Anyway, we are tired from the move and the transition.  There is still a lot to do.  But I am loving the washer-dryer and the dishwasher already.  I love the way the living room suits us and our style so nicely.  I love the bamboo floors that seem so much easier to keep clean than the other hardwood.  I am excited to get to know the neighbourhood and the neighbours.

Here are some pictures so far...  We haven't got all of our pictures and drapes and other decorating done but Rome wasn't built in a day! 

Finlay and Dada in the kitchen.  

Finlay pretending to be Dada with his coffee mug (empty) in a living room chair.

Dining area from another angle.

Finlay and a Chocolate Chip Cookie - baking makes it smell like home.

Finlay in the living room wearing my "hut booties" or slippers.

Back to cookies and milk.

We have really been enjoying the new kitchen!  While Finlay and Tyler played in the backyard I made some donuts (just the frying, Tyler made the dough).  Then we had a donut party in the living room.  Here is a video of that lovely Sunday morning: