About Us

Victoria, BC, Canada
This blog began as a modern "baby book" for our first child, Finlay, who was born in December of 2010. The recent addition of Seamus, born in January of 2013, has meant continued efforts to put into words and pictures his early years. We also use this forum to catalog our family life: two loving partners, two beautiful kids, car-free, child-centred, attachment-focused, with a love of food and health thrown into the mix!

Stopping People in the Street

May 30, 2011

For those of you who haven't had the opportunity to visit Victoria, this time of year the city becomes a bit of a zoo.  Sometimes, if I'm walking in touristy areas, it feels a bit like Disney World to me.  But, a person needs to get out and walk, run errands, visit the occasional cafe (one that isn't my balcony)...  Finlay, of course, accompanies me on many of these outings.  Lately, he has been practicing his singing and talking.  He seems to be taking after Tyler's side and he is quite loud.  So loud that, when he really gets going, people stop and stare.

We have been out in the crowded streets of Victoria and even with all of the distractions (fudge in the shape of a maple leaf, t-shirts with maple leafs on them, maple syrup...) for the tourists, and all of the noise (buskers, tour buses, and bustling shoppers), he demands the attention of the people around us.  He smiled and talked for an older lady yesterday and she exclaimed, "Oh, he smiled for me!  That just made my day!"

I caught some of his singing/talking and raspberry blowing at home on camera.


Also, Finlay is starting to become more proficient in the Samurai art of Jolly Jumping.  I have some action shots below.

Big smiles and lots of drool!  Loving to jump!

Some jumping action!

He stops to smile at me and tell me about his jumps and then he goes at it once again.

A little bit of air!

Lyndze & Finlay

Daddy's Days Off

May 23, 2011

Well, now that I have finally quit my second job at Ocean Island I am getting a chance to spend a lot more time at home.  Finlay has taken to the habit of getting up earlier than he used to and, although this is not our ideal situation, it has led to a great opportunity for Finlay and I to sneak out of bed so Mom can have a sleep in and get a little quality one on one time.

I am truly blown away every day by the new things that Finlay learns.  More and more he is becoming adept at using his hands to get the things he wants.  He has taken to his Jolly Jumper and really begun to give it hell and at times has even begun to mimic us.

For example, Finlay has always been a big fan of the "raspberry" noise. We are not sure if it is just a natural human trait to find this noise funny but for as long as I can remember it has made me laugh and is something that has always made Finlay laugh.  Well, the other day I was making that noise and then Finlay stopped and looked really intently at me and his face began to get tight and you could tell he was concentrating really hard.  And then out of his mouth popped the cutest little noise and it was Finlay mimicking me. We went back and forth making the noise and each time he looked like he was trying so hard that it was making Lyndze and I just laugh out loud.  Too Cute!

Below are some more pics of Finlay and I on one of our relaxed mornings.  There is also a very cute video at the bottom that makes me laugh every time I watch it.

We are off to London soon.  We have been telling Finlay all about his family and our friends back East and he is getting very excited to go!

See you soon!

Here we see Finaly's latest trick. Sitting up on his own. As a new parent, I was really unsure how to know when a baby is ready to sit or roll or whatever and, although the obvious answer is to read a book on the subject matter, it quickly becomes apparent (no pun intended) that every author has their own opinion as to what is normal and/or appropriate.  But, as it turns out, babies are pretty good at letting you know when they are ready for something and Fin just wanted to be sitting up.  

Over the past week Finlay has gone from a teetering tower that required a constant hand on his back to catch him to a fairly stable baby when he is sitting.  He gets tired quickly and we still sit behind him but his falls are less frequent and he is even getting better at engaging his muscles when he does fall so he falls much slower than when he started.

The specter of teething is upon us here in Victoria.  It has made for some more fussy nights and a baby that all of the sudden is a huge drooler!  Here is Fin and I working one of his favorite teething toys.  However, the cold carrot from our fridge may be surpassing it as Fin's favorite.

Fin and I reading "Hands, Hands, Fingers, Thumb."  Finlay really enjoys this book and we think it is because of the beat.  We are teaching Fin to sign and he understands the sign for 'book' and 'milk.'  Apparently that book was also one of Uncle Jason's favorites when he was little!

Here is a great example of Finlay moving along in his sitting skills.  After just a couple days practice he is a lot more confident and is grabbing his toys from all around him without falling or loosing his balance too badly.

This is just cute.

Even cuter. I love the little smile that peeks out from behind the soother!

And finally we have the above mentioned laughing video.  Lyndze was pretending to sneeze and it was making Finlay laugh and laugh and laugh.  So I grabbed the camera and tried to get some footage. I apologize for it being a little blurry.  But I think you still get the idea!


Great Aunts and Uncles

May 19, 2011

Talk about great aunts and uncles!  Lyndze's Auntie Chris and Uncle Mike, Finlay's Great Aunt and Uncle, drove down to Victoria on Thursday morning all the way from Nanoose Bay to take us out to lunch!  We had a nice chat in the living room and Auntie Chris brought Fin a new friend.  It's a stuffed toy duck that sings a song about spring and laughs when you tickle it.  So far, Fin's reaction is mixed.  Chris warned us that the baby might be scared of it!  Scared or not, he is definitely interested in the duck.  Check out the video of Finlay and friend:


We had a lovely lunch at Spinaker's with yummy food and a great visit.  Finlay was a little challenging at the lunch.  Usually he is very easy-going at cafes and restaurants but he is teething pretty badly lately and he wore his grumpy-pants to the pub.

Although we didn't get a picture of Great Auntie Chris and Fin, we did catch Mike and the babe sharing a moment.

Thanks for coming for a visit!  We hope to make our way up-island this summer to visit a great Aunt and Uncle again!

Rocking and Rolling at 5 Months Old

May 14, 2011

Finlay is five month old today!  This past month, we have seen so much change!

In the first months, we were hearing many other new parents lament about sleepless nights while we were getting plenty of shut-eye with our remarkable newborn.  Well, the tables have turned!  Over the past few weeks, Finlay has barley let me get two hours of sleep in a row.  Tyler and I are up much of the nights rocking and nursing and rocking some more.  Lindsay Kemp (Tyler's sister) sent us this wonderful link (see below).  The link is for a book called "Go the F#$k to Sleep" and, not only did it make Tyler and I laugh, it reminded us that we are not the only parents in the whole world up with their child in the night, staring at the clock, and silently begging the little devil (but also angel) to just f-ing sleep!


Perhaps part of the reason why Finlay has been up at night, staring at his hands, talking up a storm, giggling and rolling around is because of all of the learning and growing that has happened.  He is literally getting bigger every day.  He is learning to roll and he does this by being on his tummy, deciding he hates it, and using the weight of his head to flip himself over.  It's hilarious.  Sometimes he only makes it half-way and he just huffs and stares at us as if to say, "a little help?"

Finlay has become a lot more conscious of what is around him... and more curious.  He is also more demanding and voices his preferences.  I really thought that he would like all of the baby food I so lovingly make for him!  Well, he does not like baby-mashed-potatoes and he made it perfectly clear.  He turned his head from side to side, spitting it out, and there was none of the excited "oh, oh" noises that he makes when he wants more apples or sweet potato or cinnamon carrots.

Finlay and his favourite toy.  He is able to grab, hold, and maneuver this and other toys into his mouth.

Finlay still has newborn moments - like this one where he fell asleep after eating.

Fin's first May Day, first election, and first time Harper made him cry.  

We got Finlay all dressed and ready to go out and he fell asleep.  Cute!

Finlay, "Monker" the monkey, and some big smiles!

Fin in his adorable "Indie Kidz" t-shirt from our friend Mike.  Make bubbles, not war!

Blue blue blue...

"New to the herd" - Finlay's new slip-on shoes.  I bought these because I knew great-grandma would love the elephant!

So much change and growth in so little time.  I can only imagine what I will be writing on June 14!

Monkeying Around with Michelle

May 8, 2011

Finlay, Tyler and I just had a fabulous visit with my oldest friend, Michelle (aka. Auntie Michelle).  Many drinks were shared, Fin got lots of kisses, and we stuffed our faces with a lot of yummy food!  We did lots of walking and some fun tourist-y things like visiting some popular sights and enjoying a Ghost Tour.

Michelle helped me pick out some patio furniture and plan out the look/function of our very small porch.  It will be really nice for me when Finlay is napping, and I am house-bound, to have an outdoor space I can be in while still in earshot.  I'm really looking forward to tea and a book with some sunshine while Fin is in dreamland.  Hopefully I am not in dreamland thinking that this will be a reality!

Also, Michelle and I went on a girls-only date while Fin and daddy hung out at home. We went out to The Superior and shared some treats and drinks and lots of catching up.  It is a real special thing to have a friend with whom you can come together, after months of not seeing each other, and comfortably talk as though no time has passed.  It's been a while since Michelle and I got to spend quality time together and it was a lot of fun and did wonders for my sanity! 

Finlay just loved Michelle.  He smiled at her all the time and finds her just as funny as I do, although we laugh at different things.  Michelle is really good with him too!  She read to Fin and played with his toys and made plenty of entertaining faces.  Unfortunately, I was a terrible photographer this week (in that I didn't take any pictures!).  But, Michelle took a few quality pics that I really enjoy and would love to share with you!

Here is Finlay and I in front of the Empress Hotel on a windy but beautiful day.

Here is Finlay and I in the airport where we greeted Michelle!

"Deal with it."
Michelle and Finlay trying on some sunglasses.

Michelle and I in front of an Arbutus tree - my eyes are closed :(

We fed the seals at Fisherman's Wharf.  So cute!

Finlay in the bath after being attacked by adoring fans!

                                                                        So Kissable!

"I climbed aboard a pirate ship and the captain said to me..."

We had so much fun with Michelle.  Can't wait to see her again!

First Tastes

May 8, 2011

Over the past week, Finlay has been experimenting with his first solids.  We started him on some rice cereal mixed with milk and he was a bit hesitate at first.  He knew exactly what to do with the spoon, and how to swallow the very liquid-y stuff, but he made a screwed up face as if to say, "What are they feeding me?"  But, by the end of the first meal, he was really interested in every spoonful and wanted more when the tablespoon of cereal was all gone.  The cereal was going so well that we decided to try sweet potatoes tonight!  This time, he knew the drill but was expecting rice cereal for sure...  Then the bright orange puree hit his lips and he opened his eyes wide and smiled with delight!  I knew immediately that we had a winner.  The pictures say it all!

"What is this glorious stuff in my mouth!"

"More please!"

"I love my life."

Mum: "This is a little more challenging than the feeding I'm used to... but so worth it!"
Finlay:  "This is a little more challenging than the feeding I'm used to... but so worth it!"

 "And why haven't you feed me this stuff before?"

"Num, num, num, num, num."

More to follow on the visit from Auntie Michelle and our first Mother's Day!