About Us

Victoria, BC, Canada
This blog began as a modern "baby book" for our first child, Finlay, who was born in December of 2010. The recent addition of Seamus, born in January of 2013, has meant continued efforts to put into words and pictures his early years. We also use this forum to catalog our family life: two loving partners, two beautiful kids, car-free, child-centred, attachment-focused, with a love of food and health thrown into the mix!

A Very Merry Half-Birthday to Fin

June 23, 2013

Because Finlay's birthday is just a few days before Christmas, we decided that it would be a good idea to celebrate his half-birthday with a party and keep his actual birthday as just a small family affair.  So, for his two-and-a-halfer we had a little party.  Fin has really been into Robert Munch books lately, and he was pretty interested in "Moira's Birthday."  He asked me, one morning after reading the book a few times, "I want Finlay party.  My bird-day party!"  I said sure, and got some paper, and together we planned out his party.  He wanted a dinosaur birthday party.  He wanted blue and yellow balloons.  He wanted to invite certain people (his list was very long, we had to compromise on this) and he wanted peanut-butter and chocolate cupcakes.  I was a little blown away that Fin had all of these ideas but he is always surprising me.  So away I went and the planning and preparing began.

I made the peanut-butter and chocolate cupcakes but also some cookies and cream cupcakes in case other people weren't fans of peanut-butter.

Although the cookie cupcakes were visually more appealing it was the PB & C cakes that won the taste-test.

Hilary got her fill of baby-holding.  Shay got his fill of standing on Hilary's lap.

Finlay refused to wear pants for his party guests.  We didn't argue.  He was the birthday kid and could make that rule.  Due to poor weather, some of the party was indoors.  Fin didn't mind.  He got to play his ukulele (his gift from us) for Emily and Peter and other friends.

There was beer and kombucha (his favourite).

Fin's little friend Bodi came to sing (and play and the sandbox and give the dinosaurs a bath, he was busy!)

A little freaked out by the sparkler.

He got excited about it eventually.  There were also candles he could blow out.

Fin was SO excited about the candles!

Shay and Peter.  I'm not sure was Shay made of the gathering.  He was pretty tired when it was all over.

We had some dinosaur eggs (made of baking soda) and when you dropped them in a vinegar bath they bubbled and a baby dinosaur was born.

Finlay clapping for Bodi and his Dinosaur egg.

This was a big hit.

Feeling the bubbles.

Digging up dinosaur bones in the sandbox.

Playing with quicksand and dinosaurs getting stuck!

The adults liked this one the most.

Everyone had their hands in it.

Even Shay.

Fin pretends his Uke is a fiddle sometimes.


Fin got a homemade bottle of kombucha (which he loved).


Hanging outside in the rain.

It was a lovely and relaxed afternoon.  There was lots of food and good conversation.  Fin got a lot of attention and really enjoyed himself.  He slept like a log and talked about his party a lot the next day.  Thanks to those folks who came out!  It was lovely!

Another Beautiful Day as a Father

As you may have already noticed,  fathers day was a few weeks ago now. But my goodness how time flies. As per usual, I am behind on my blog contributions but I find myself with a bit of free time so it seems that it is time I get this down.

Lets start with the obvious. I am one incredibly lucky Dad.  The last two and half years have been better than any years of my life.  The amount of change that has occurred in such a short time in indescribable. There are the two beautiful boys that my partner Lyndze brought into this world, we have moved from a wonderful down town apartment to our own little house. I have been working at a new job for over a year and half, we sold our car, bought some bikes and went "car-free" and so much more.  But these things are the tangible, the easily seen and easily expressed changes that have occurred in my life.  What is not easily written in a blog is the immense change that has gone on within me over the past two and half years. It has been the hardest, most exhausting and most emotionally charged years of my life and I just feel so lucky to have been able to experience it.  I love every minute (okay...maybe not every minute... I mean Fin did turn two and has embraced that whole heartedly) but almost every minute that I get to spend with my family. Despite how much work it is I feel myself being recharged by them the second I get home from work.  I am so in love with my family and feel so lucky to be with them that it feels weird to have fathers day. A day dedicated to me... But I'll take it. And I am glad I did.

The Day started with a small sleep in and a shower as soon as I awoke.  As I reached for my toothbrush I found a small note with a message from Finlay on it.  As the morning went on I found more and more little notes, four notes from each of them. Each one was so sweet and was such a nice way to start the day.

Here is the card and notes.  I will keep the messages to myself but they were all so sweet. In particular the note dictated by Finlay and written word for word by Lyndze warmed my heart. 

We quickly got dressed and threw the kids into a stroller to spend a nice morning at Cafe Fantatico having coffee and feeding the ducks.  They have beautiful sunny patio there with amazing coffee, juice for Fin and a little pond where ducks and a place for Fin to run about with other kids.

We had our coffees and were going to walk towards the water to walk along the shore.  As we past the ship yard on our left we heard the sound of a fiddle.  Finlay's eyes lit up with excitement.  There, sitting in the middle of the shipyard was a fiddle and guitar player letting people know about the 140th anniversary of the ship yard and the free tours going on.   So in we went. If there is music, Finlay usually wants to be there.  If there are fiddle, there is no choice; Finlay has to be there.

In the first hanger (I don't know that that is what it is called in a shipyard...but it looked like an airplane hanger). was a large mural for people sign. Fin spent lots of time looking it over and him and Mom signed our names.

We walked through the shipyard and Finlay ran around to all the big equipment. He was in heaven!

Finlay quickly walked away from the tour group... To much history, not enough touching boats.

Mom and Fin walking up the ramp form one of boats in the harbour

We eventually pulled Fin away from dancing with the fiddlers (I cannot seem to find the video of that) and we went and had an amazing lunch at Spinnakers.  We had not taken Fin out to a formal restaurant in some time.  He kept everyone on the patio laughing. In particular, on his way back from the bathroom as he explained to everyone that he had pooped in the potty.  Thankfully this declaration by Finlay was met with laughs and congratulations.Fin was pretty proud!

Later in the day, Mom and Seamus napped but Finlay was not feeling up to napping so he and I baked bread together.  He seems to really love it and it is an incredibly fun activity to do with him.

I gave Fin his own ball of dough to knead and shape. He decided to make his into a "french-ish loaf" with two very thin ends.  If you watch the video below, Finlay explains the inspiration behind his bread.


All in all, I had such an amazing Fathers day.  I am an incredibly luck Dad and spouse. With so much excitement, and love from my family I was feeling recharged and ready to face another week at work. 

My, How We Grow

June 14, 2013

Five months and two-and-a-half years old.  I'm not sure Finlay understands that he is growing older, getting bigger, or that he will one day be a big kid.  I'm not sure he understands that one day very, very soon little Seamus will not be so little.  I don't expect him to get it.  He might, actually, comprehend this concept but be unable to verbalize it.  It's fascinating.

The babes are growing up.  Everyday I try to soak them in, live in their moment(s), and just be their mom.  But days fly by faster than I can imagine and Seamus was weeks old and now months and pretty soon years...  It is unlikely that there will come a day, when they are grown, and I say, "I should have held my babies less.  I wish I hadn't cuddled/played/enjoyed them so much."  Not likely at all.

Finlay is starting to see Seamus as an actually person and a playmate.  I overhear him saying "Looka Seamus!  I jump!" and telling him what he can do or what is in a book or how he can run or hide or dance.  He wants to share his toys.  He brings Seamus what toys he believes to be the baby's favourites. He carefully holds them out so that the learning-to-grasp five-month-old can get a hold and shove whatever it is between his sore gums.  "Oh!  Seamus drool!  All wet!" Fin says gleefully!  He loves getting drooled on.  If there is a spit-up, it is Fin who runs for a burp cloth and is dabbing Shay's face and wiping up the floor.  No one believes me until they see it.  He is a nurturing, helpful, and engaged older brother.  He dotes.  It's beautiful.

When Shay wakes from a nap Finlay jumps up and runs to the room saying "Hello Seamus!  Awake!  Time to get up baby Shay!"  He strokes his cheek and helps with the changing and the entertaining.  Fin often wants to "up-a bed!  Want to cuddle with Seamus!" and he crawls under the covers and talks to Shay, 'reads' him books, and mostly just stares at the baby who is staring, with admiration, right back at him.  

Seamus, at the breakfast table.

Seamus is a joker.  He laughs and wants to play all of the time.  If he isn't watching Finlay or if Finlay isn't around, Shay will make some noise until you are playing the game he wants you to play.  He breaks out into big belly laughs when anyone acts silly.  Funny noises, zerbers, tickles, games, anything in the name of fun elicits a great response from Shay.  He has started to make some of his own funny noises too.

He's a happy guy!  A little sponge, just taking it all in.  He has begun to pass objects between his hands.  Teeth are nigh.  He jumps higher than Finlay ever did in the Jumper.  He wiggles and flaps his arms when he sees his dad (too excited to contain his joy).  I love him!

Here are a couple of videos of Fin doing things that big kids do.
Finlay sings his ABCs:
Finlay rides his balace bike:

Slowing Down

June 13, 2013

It's been a while since I've posted.  Usually, I think about blogging but just can't find the time to do it.  This time, I'll be honest, I totally forgot about blogging.  The thought hasn't crossed my mind in weeks.

I saw this recently:

And it really spoke to me.  When people ask how I'm doing I say "busy."  And I am busy.  I am always moving, thinking, reacting, going...  I need to slow down!  That is what I have really learned over this past week.  The kids need more days at home, doing nothing but following their whims, their energy-levels, eating when hungry and sleeping when tired.  We are over programmed; during the week and every weekend.

Going to the fair last weekend made me think about how normal busy has become.  People want to be busy and they like going to the fair...  None of us felt good afterwards.  It was a whirlwind for the senses.  Loud and bright and strong-smelling.  Seamus just hibernated, thankfully.

There were so many families and young children.  But there was nothing for our family to eat (Finlay is eating a home-made powerball) and long line-ups everywhere.

We tired to embrace it and say how fun and great it all was to Fin over and over but he was overwhelmed and a little scared.  He got to chose a ride (there were three that he was big enough to go on) and that was too much for him.

It was exciting to see him watch the ride he chose while Tyler got the tickets.  Then he was waiting in line and just seemed so old to me.  This is Tyler putting him on the flying fish, explaining to hold on and the rules and where I was.

He was pretty excited for things to start but I could see him eyeing the "Bear Ride" behind Tyler.

Off he went!  So much was going on for this little guy.  The parade, the sensory assault of the fair, the new experiences, and then we put him on this ride!

There's joy or there's a photo-op.  I feel like a politician.  

Immediately after the ride was over he wanted to go on the "Bear Ride."  We asked him if he had fun on the Flying Fish and he just screamed "Bear Ride!  I want a Bear Ride!  No, Bears right now!  I want it right now, right now, right now!"  And he cried and screamed and hit us and lost it completely and he continued with that reaction the entire way home.  I don't blame him.  It's our fault.  We set him up.

It's time to slow down.  Super slow.  We were hanging out at home one morning and Shay was crying in Fin's bed while I was getting Fin ready.  I left the room to get something and Finlay hopped into bed, told Shay it was okay, and started to read him a book.  He recited the story as he knew it and carefully showed the baby the pictures.  Seamus smiled and cooed and got right into it. 

This is slow.  Two babes in bed with blankies.  This is where we want to be.