About Us

Victoria, BC, Canada
This blog began as a modern "baby book" for our first child, Finlay, who was born in December of 2010. The recent addition of Seamus, born in January of 2013, has meant continued efforts to put into words and pictures his early years. We also use this forum to catalog our family life: two loving partners, two beautiful kids, car-free, child-centred, attachment-focused, with a love of food and health thrown into the mix!

Into the Wilderness/15 Years

May 21, 2014

Fifteen years ago, Tyler and I started dating.  As many of your know, we met at summer camp and Tyler finally took notice of me the year of our Leadership II Trip on the Missinaibi River.  We grew up camping (Tyler more than me), and since 1999 we have been camping together.  Well, thanks to some new camping equipment, we were able to take our family into the wilderness for four days and three nights.

We had a lovely trip.  We stayed in a meadow (the walk-in sites) at Rathtrevor Provincial Park.  For the first night, we arrived, set-up our tent, made a yummy stir-fry with quinoa, and roasted marshmallows on the fire.  It had been a while since the last time I had had s'mores!  These vegan marshmallows are amazing!

Shay was right at home!  (We might have the cutest toddler ever)

He was pretty good about not going near the fire.

Shay had no interest in s'mores but he was all over the crackers.

Finlay was pretty excited.  About absolutely everything!  Fire!  Sugar!  Outside!  People to say 'hi' to as they walk by!  Tent! 

Shay has conquered walking in grass!  The no-pants probably helped.

No words.  This kid loves the woods.  He was having flashbacks to living at camp for sure.  He was pretending things and playing a lot but there was a lot of just looking at stuff and listening to sounds and other sensory experiences.

Beach.  I had to read a lot for school so Ty took the kids on some private adventures.  The next day we returned to the beach and Finlay flew his kite all by himself (like lift off and everything!).

There was something to climb so he climbed it!

So much beach.  We brought sand toys.

It rained a little and it was just lovely to be in our warm and dry tent and listen to it come down.  Rain gear was out for breakfast because of the wet grass but we didn't really encounter any rain during the day.

Coffee and apples before breakfast.

Just standing between two trees and 'thinking.'

Coral root.

Fin listening to sticks break.

Riding his 'horse-sleigh.'

Dew drops.

The playgrounds (plural) were very attractive to the kids.  Ty and I are not huge fans but we couldn't help but oblige.  It makes them so happy!

And there is exercise and learning and other kids to interact with...

Other kids were the challenge on the trip.  Fin is totally obsessed with older kids and wanted to play with every one he saw.  Unfortunately, older kids don't seem interested in playing with Fin.  It can be heartbreaking but it is also understandable.  I am looking at a pre-school for September that would have him be the youngest in the group, so maybe that will work out and fill that void.

It was just a wonderful trip and we can't wait to do it again soon!  We are already talking about what sorts of more back-country trips we might manage with kids this age.  Campgrounds are great for families, though!  Tyler and I talked a lot about that weekend 15 years ago and what our teenaged selves would make of our little family camping trip.  We felt really in our element and the kids seemed comfortable as well!  They slept well and even went to bed early one night so Ty and I could toast to our accomplishments and the years gone by.

How lucky are we?

Breaking the Ice

May 19, 2014

I'm breaking the ice.  We didn't mean to freeze you out.

Did the cold bother you?

To catch you up - Fin is into Frozen... "a bitta bit, but not much" - he uses the toilet, mostly, and when he doesn't it is most certainly "an accident."  He is really, really three.

Shay is into everything... mostly walking and trucks and balls but not in that order.  He had a run-in with some stairs, cement ones, and had approximately nine (9) goose-eggs, a swollen nose, lips, and a tiny scratch on his arm.  Seamus - 1 and Stairs - 0.  Hopefully there will not be a rematch.

Tyler is into a new clientèle.  He has been moved from "Gen-pop" (our term, not the official one) and into an Employment Liaison gig.  He is back to making kombucha and is in full-swing urban-gardener-mode.  His rest time is in the office because when he is home he is daddy-does-it and taking care of everyone while I am otherwise occupied.

I am into too much; I am over my head; I am up to my ears; I am using a lot of semi-colons because I am in grad-school and that is what us grad students do.  Whenever I state my profession, which sounds like:

Other mom (pushing her one and only child in a swing): "So, what do you do?"
Me (I am pushing three children in three different swings simultaneously and wearing Shay in the Ergo): "Ah, I'm a SAHM/Home-Daycare Operator/Full-time MA Student.  Have you gone back to a job outside of being a Mama?"
Other mom (who has stopped pushing but failed to move out of the way and has been hit and winded by the blond and apple-cheeked toddler flying through the air): "How do you do it?  You must be busy. "

I am not a hero - this life is challenging and takes team-work.  Some things, like washing the floors, brushing our adult teeth, resting, or writing a blog have to take a back seat to more essential things like dishes, sleeping, and reading Plato's Republic while taking notes only me and two other people on Earth can read (you know who you are).

Life is really good.  We are managing to do it all and still find plenty of time to admire Shay's infectious giggles, watch Finlay's newest dance, and play in the garden together.  We eat lovely meals and sometimes we eat rice and peas because we are too tired to face dishes.  I find that the more I let go of what I thought was perfection the more happy I am.  I am learning so much; I am learning more outside of school than I thought I'd be.

These little munchkins are my teachers!

We started getting an organic food box so that we have less groceries to go out and buy.  It is a time-saver but also adds variety to our menu.  Fin and Shay are apparently huge orange fans - something I never buy!

So, this happened.  The toilet seat was stuck on his head and around his neck.  For the record, that is chocolate on his face.

Getting ready for the Spring and our new children's garden.  Shay's got a new playhouse!

A warm and muddy day and Shay is diving down the slide!

Learning to WALK!

Two little kids at snack time.

Look at the expressions!  Brothers!

Brotherly love!

Shay loved bunny world.  He loves giving kisses and hugs to all things plush.

Breakfast without pants.  Our approach to pottying involved a lot of naked time.

This guy just loves playing outside.

Here's the children's garden in the early spring.  It looks a little more lush right now.

So cute!

The backyard is one of our favourite afternoon hang outs.

Shay post-emergency room.  The pictures don't do his face justice.

He couldn't walk for a day or so, but he was recovered very quickly.

Playing vet like his namesake.

Painting for his Nans!

Bedtime stories with Gramps.  Shay is all about trucks and trains.  He just loves Thomas the Tank Engine.

Nans likes to get the kids all excited before bed.

Like, really excited.

Like, really into trucks.

Funny stuff.

One morning we woke up and Shay had grown overnight.

He's still a little guy though.

I'll hopefully get back on the blogging train - and Tyler promises to get his act together too and start writing too!  Stay tuned for our next blog about our first family camping trip!