About Us

Victoria, BC, Canada
This blog began as a modern "baby book" for our first child, Finlay, who was born in December of 2010. The recent addition of Seamus, born in January of 2013, has meant continued efforts to put into words and pictures his early years. We also use this forum to catalog our family life: two loving partners, two beautiful kids, car-free, child-centred, attachment-focused, with a love of food and health thrown into the mix!

From Paddle to Pedal

June 23, 2014

Last weekend, our family pedalled our first bicycle-camping trip!  As most of your know, Tyler and I grew up canoeing and love an extended paddling trip.  This trip was much like car-camping, in that we stayed in one place, but instead of driving we road our bikes on the Goose from our home to the ferry terminal and the docks to the Campbell Bay Music Festival.

I towed the kids in their trailer with minimal gear and Tyler towed our BOB trailer (we call it the 'truck' to avoid confusion) with nearly all of the gear.  The kids were heavy but the truck only has one wheel so it is a challenging balancing act.  It was hard work on the hills, and there were times that we weren't sure we would make it to the 10:25 sailing, but we arrived on time and gliding onto the ferry in front of all of the cars - no wait time!

The kids were great!  There was a lot of wildlife and people on the trails - we saw farms, sped through forest, the trail went along the ocean and the view of the mountains was beautiful.  There were bald eagles, giant pigs, horses, deer, and many dogs on the Goose.  The bicycle portion of the trip felt much like a canoe trip.  When we approached a downhill section it was like coming to a set of swifts on a river; we would smile and just glide.  When we were struggling uphill it was like a portage and I would keep my head down and will myself to keep moving.  When we were riding in places that were wide and open, and the wind picked up, it was like crossing a bay.  All of it was fun!

Once on the ferry we saw orca (aka Killer) whales!  It was my first time seeing them and we saw so many; three different pods with three or four whales in each.  They were beautiful and we got to watch them splashing and swimming and spraying water - Fin was really into it.  I am still on a high from that!

We met up with Auntie Car and Charlie once we arrived on Mayne Island.  Charlie was super helpful and took the load from the docks to Campbell Bay for me!  This was key as I haven't been up to full speed lately and I was really tired when we reached the island.  We set up camp and explored and enjoyed music and beer.  Finlay danced and played his "stick-fiddle" and Shay just tried to keep up.  Dinner was too spicy for the kids and they wanted nothing but our beers.  Water was not good enough for them!  Of course, being in so public a place, I was hesitant.  But, our friends and other festival-goers were supportive and thought it was pretty awesome that the kids like beer (what tiny sips they encounter, anyway).

On Saturday, the music moves to the village market.  We enjoyed a change of scene and some great food with our concerts.  We also enjoyed more time with Carleigh and Charlie.  We had a beer on the patio of perhaps the only restaurant and we headed back to Campbell Bay to relax for the afternoon.  I got a massage and we took the kids to a special clown show for the little festival attendees.  The music in the evening was wonderful but both kids were wiped out and fell asleep in the field.  This was fine as we got to relax and enjoy the show AND climb up a tree and into a giant nest made of rope and fir branches!  Weird, but pretty neat.

On the ride home we stopped in Sidney for a delicious Sunday brunch.  We also stopped for lemonade at a child's stand and that cold sugary drink helped the kids to keep going.  The ride back was certainly easier in many respects.

The best part of a bicycle trip is that there is not hurtle in getting there - you are there!  Once on our bikes the trip had begun and there was no car ride to sit through, no traffic, our journey was our destination.

We were so happy to make it on the ferry.  The final 2km were murder!  Finlay was so great and was cheering me on saying "You can do it Mama!" or "You're doing it!  Yay!"  When he saw the ferry up ahead he said, "Mama, I have a good idea.  What about going on a boat instead of a bike?"  I laughed and replied, "That's a great idea!" as we entered the ferry.

Shay got a little mud on his face from the spray off my tires.  His face says "tough ride."

And..... we're here!

It started with a little Frisbee.

Some old friends were there to play.

See our tent in the background?  Shay is asking for more grapes.  They are, by far, his favourite food right now.

Ever since the wedding of Chris and Jo, last summer, Fin has been really into violin and fiddle.  He often turns toys and sticks into his "stick-fiddle."  He was playing with the actual fiddle player and dancing as he performed.

The kids really connected with Charlie.

The stage (one of them) and Ty and Fin playing in the grass.

Music and snacks.  Shay still loves to play the 'feed-mama' game.

It's so funny.

Apparently there is a picture of Carleigh in this sweater and hat in this exact place, but last year.

Hop on Pop

A wooden Orca in the village.

Fries and an iced tea.

The view from our table.  Shay loved watched the boats.

Went for an afternoon swim at the beach.

Shay was pretty interested!

Charlie went under, Carleigh up to her chin, and Fin made it mostly in which was a nice way to clean up.

Shay fell in which led to being naked and playing in the water.

Totally exhausted.

The festival was all that we hoped it would be.  We learned a thing or two about how to be at a festival with kids.  I think we will be recovering from the experience for a while.  The cycling was actually the most relaxing part in many ways.  Can't wait for our next bike-trip!

Happy Half

June 1, 2014

I can't believe it is June.

Today it was 25 degrees (probably hotter in our sheltered and South facing back yard) and sunny.

It was the perfect day for...


Yes, Finlay is 3.5 this month!  Just a reminder, we do not have a party on his actual b-day due to its placement in the calendar - people are busy in December!  Why add one more party near Christmas when we can have a lovely outdoor gathering in June!

The theme was bikes.  Fin was very active in the planning of the party.  He chose the guests (seriously, I had no hand in it).  He mostly selected adults.  He asked for his neighbour, W., and her dad to come (he really likes Ron and Ron's truck).  He asked for little A. from our home daycare to come.  They are such good buds.  And his friend B., but maybe more B.'s dad Richard (I think he thought Rich would bring his drum set?).  And he adult set of friends (our friends).  He missed his aunty Car-car, though!

He selected the menu:

  • Carrots and Cucumbers (peeled) with hummous (daddy's own recipe) and crackers (thanks for hooking him on store-bought, Nans!)
  • Sushi with avocado, cucumbers, and carrots
  • Salad for Mama (goddess bowl a la "Oh She Glows", although I make it with raw veg) 
  • Salad for Daddy (cous-cous Greek Salad a la my own recipe, our fav summer salad)
  • Chocolate Cake with raspberries - I was shocked and somewhat sad that he did not ask for cupcakes.
He selected the theme and activities:

  • BIKES!
  • Wash our bikes
  • Decorate our bikes
  • Ride our bikes

Kids and hoses.

Kids over to play.

Food and CAKE!

Fin is excited for cake and the birthday song.  He said 'Mama, sing it to me!' as though we might consider singing it to someone else.  Cute.

Happy Half-Birthday to YOU!

As a kid, I was always stealing roses from my cakes.  Fin steals raspberries.  I will try to make some roses next time.  Or edible flowers, maybe? 

Chocolate cake with chocolate ganache filling (4 layers) and butter-cream (vegan) frosting and chocolate shavings to hide the disaster that was the sides of the cake.  Not even I could tell it was a patchwork job!

Ty and Gibbs.

Alyx, Fin, and I enjoying cake.

Bike decorating!

Helmet decorating

Fin was so excited about the decorating and his helmut he was vibrating.  Wait, maybe that was because he was under the influence of cake.

Going for a ride!

Tyler actually lets go and Fin pedals and steers for a while.

It's a lot of work for Tyler but they both love it and the two of them have been riding around the neighbourhood for about a week.  

It was a lovely party and Finlay did not want it to end.  He's old enough now that he really appreciated that the party was for him.  He had such a good time and was so glad to see everyone.  He said, later that day, that the people at his party love him and loves all the people who came to celebrate.  It was sweet.  Sweeter than cake.