About Us

Victoria, BC, Canada
This blog began as a modern "baby book" for our first child, Finlay, who was born in December of 2010. The recent addition of Seamus, born in January of 2013, has meant continued efforts to put into words and pictures his early years. We also use this forum to catalog our family life: two loving partners, two beautiful kids, car-free, child-centred, attachment-focused, with a love of food and health thrown into the mix!

Since When Did You Get So Big?

April 28, 2013

Our little munchkins are not so little.  I just got up one day and was greeted by a grinning 3-month-old and a little boy.  Seamus is holding his head up and putting lots of weight on his legs.  He is ready for the  Jolly Jumper so we will have to get that set up ASAP.  And Finlay spelled his name (verbally) the other day and again today when I asked him if he would like to tell his Nans and Gramps on Skype.  He wears underwear most afternoons (rather than diapers) and looks so grown-up.

I just love photos of babies nursing.  Tyler got a good one of Shay the other day.  He is smiling up at me!  So sweet.

Seamus is out-growing everything quickly.  He is already into some 6-9 months clothes!  Here his is in an outfit from Shelley and Al (cute and cosy).

Seamus in the Bumbo!  An example of how big he is getting!  Look at those feet!

Finlay was building a tower and it was getting taller than he is so he went and got his stool from the bathroom so he could finish the "tall tall tower!"

Reading bores Seamus.  Just kidding.  He loves it.  But he is starting to sleep a predictable three naps a day and I guess he decided it was time for the second one.  Tyler draped the blanket over him after he was asleep.

Went to a cafe and Finlay discovered juice.  And so it begins...

Funny Seamus expression.  Check out his adorable cardigan.

Seamus outgrew the bassinette and fits in the Uppababy "big-baby seat."  He digs it so far.

One cold and rainy weekend, we went to the Bug Zoo!  Here is Fin petting some type of huge bug that has armour.

Finlay and me checking out some bugs in a display.

Finlay petting the largest millipede in the world. 

Tyler holding a stick bug.

Finlay checking out the Roach Motel.

They do.

Finlay and the ant display.  These boxes and tubes went all around the room with millions of Leaf-Cutter ants!  So cool.

Went to Hernandezez after the zoo.  Finlay was oddly concerned with the amount of beans on his hands.  He is trying to "cwean up" with napkins.

As you can see, he is less concerned about his face and napkins are somewhat useless. 

Grandma Comes a Calling

April 20, 2013

Well you may have noticed in the past couple blog posts that in early April we had a guest.  My Mom (Tyler's Mom) and Finlay's grandma Lorna Grant came out to the island for a nine day stay. While we had seen Grandma recently it has mostly been in Ontario where we are lucky to have so many caring people that we get to share our time with and while this is amazing it means we are often pulled in lots of directions. So any chance we get to have family here is always amazing because we get spend our time visiting just with them. Finaly and Grandma have spent a lot of time on skype together in the past year and so when Finlay woke up from his nap to find Grandma in the living room cuddling with Seamus he was so excited  to see her.  Finlay quickly Re-named her "namma"  and gave her a tour around the house.
Over the next 9 days Namma and Finlay spent their days going to the park, playing in the back yard and hunting for E
Namma and Fin at the park.

He like to hold hands.

What a nice shot!  Namma and Fin!

Can't believe Fin and his climbing!

Here is Finlay "reading" to Seamus.  He was reciting this Thomas book while I went to get something.  Seamus was hanging on every word and cooing his delight!

Namma read some bedtime stories to Fin.

Grandma and little Seamus.  He fell asleep so easily in her arms.

Grandma send the kids a picnic table and Finlay is so excited to eat snacks and lunch outside.  The umbrella is a highlight to him and to us (much needed shade).  Thanks so much!

Snackin' at "my table."

aster eggs together (see two blog previous for pics of that fun event). Namma also spent a great deal of time reading to Seamus and Fin.  Finlay was particularly interested in "Peter Rabbit" stories which Namma read in great repetition throughout here stay. It was so amazing to have Finlay's Namma in with us and I was so happy to get to spend so much time with my Mom.  She played so much with Fin and cuddled so much with Seamus and even gave Lyndze and I not just one, but TWO date nights.  It was so nice to get to see her and it is so nice to hear Fin talk about Namma with a big smile. We can't wait to have her back with us again!
Thanks Namma!

Ready? Hike, 2, 3...

April 14, 2013

We spent Sunday morning hiking with our two-year-old and three-month-old in a nearby park called "High Rock."  Seamus is now out of the forth trimester and ready for real baby things like the infant insert in our bike trailer.  He is NOT ready for trailing behind a bicycle but he is ready for the double stroller conversion and he is sitting up and quite happy beside his big brother on these short walking trips.  We took the babes in the trailer/stroller to the park.

Seamus looks unsure but this is his curious, interested, possibly excited expression.  Fin is just pumped about having his brother next to him.

Seamus got really comfortable and just fell asleep.  Aren't they cute in their matching MEC fleeces?   

With absolutely no prompting, Fin has taken on a caring role in the stroller.  He tells Seamus that he's there to help him.  He soothes him, sings to him, gets his soother for him, "reads" to him, and tells me when he is asleep (by shouting:)).  

The previous day, there was sleet and hail!  But on our hike there was nothing but sunshine!  He are some shots of our adventure.

Finlay playing with a stick in a giant puddle.  It sort of looks like he is fishing.  We did eat some fresh halibut that evening but no fish were harmed on our hike.

Tyler wore Seamus who slept through some of the walk.

Finlay loves to climb!  He says "I climb up rock!  I high up!"

He also says "I slip and fall."  Here he is, with his dad, checking out a steep path.

On his way to the bluff, seen to the left in the distance.

Starting to climb up.  Fin and I climbed while Tyler and Seamus walked the trail up to the top.

He's pretty pro, that moss was slippery!

We are about half-way up!

At the top!


The view!  We could see the ocean but the clouds were covering the mountains.

Finlay points towards home.

Tyler admires the view

Seamus is the view.  He is getting cuter and cuter!  I just love his new fishy hat from Aunty K!  First hat he'll wear without crying.

We had a lovely day and toasted to Seamus on his three-month birthday.  Cupcakes weren't made but we had cinnamon buns instead.  We had a nice dinner and enjoyed Shay-me's many smiles, coos, and giggles.  This family of four thing is getting better and better.

Amazing April (so far)

April 4, 2013

We've been having such a great month.  The weather is starting to get dryer and brighter.  Spring has sprung.  And we are steadily getting the hang of having two little ones and they are getting used to have very tired parents.  As both kids are napping right now, I won't press my luck and write a lot.  Also, this keyboard is rather sticky from one toddler that shall remain nameless.  So here are some picks with brief comments.

A beautiful blanket arrived from Rosemary and Allen.  Blankets are handy in our cold and damp climate. I love all of the colours!  Thanks for thinking of us!

Here is Fin out in his vest and enjoying the warm air and plentiful sticks and flowers. Outside is fun!

Grandma visited and brought lots of sunshine and with sunshine comes lots of park time.

Finlay loves the park and is getting really interested in testing his physical strengths.  Balance seems to be one of them.

He climbs like a monkey.  The only way to get him to limit his climbing on the furniture is to encourage him to climb at the playground.

I climb!

Grandma and baby Shay.

Grandma and Finlay at the slide.

Lots of hugs with Grandma!

Finlay on a stroll with his Grandma.

Spring flowers!

The cherry-blossoms are almost done for the year!

Some strong smelling flowers that Tyler is allergic to.

Finlay is really into parachute flowers.

Bedtime stories with Grandma.

Evening snuggles with Grandma.

I apologize for the lack of details.  Hopefully Tyler will have a moment to write about his mother's trip West soon!  We so enjoyed having her here!  Pictures will have to suffice for now!