About Us

Victoria, BC, Canada
This blog began as a modern "baby book" for our first child, Finlay, who was born in December of 2010. The recent addition of Seamus, born in January of 2013, has meant continued efforts to put into words and pictures his early years. We also use this forum to catalog our family life: two loving partners, two beautiful kids, car-free, child-centred, attachment-focused, with a love of food and health thrown into the mix!

Celebrating Our Care-free Car-free Life

November 24, 2013

We have been a car-free family for over a year.  In fact, we only recently came to this realization as it is not something we even have to think about any longer.  Although this lifestyle isn't for everyone (Ontario streets in winter might not be safe for a cyclist, but they are probably not safe for drivers either), we have learned a lot about consumerism, immediate gratification, time management, and getting from point A to B.

We have found that we are NOT always on a bike or bus.  When we had a car, we seemed to always be driving.  We manage our time differently.  We spend less time in traffic as we whiz by all of the cars through the bike lanes or we enjoy the beauty of the city on the Galloping Goose trail.  We spend more time at home or walking to places nearby.  Our kids are hardly ever taken shopping outside of the grocery store!  We shop on our own (sans children) more.  We spend more time doing what we want to do.

We spend less on insurance.  Bike maintenance is less expensive than car maintenance.  But mostly, we consume less.  Without a car to carry stuff home in, without the convenience of "running out the store," we aren't buying things on a whim.  We think about buying this or that for days or even weeks and when a trip to this or that store finally comes around we tend to either acknowledge that we don't really need that item or we excitedly purchase the long awaited thing and it's like Christmas!

No parking tickets.  No paying for parking.  Always a spot close to the entrance which means we hardly even have to navigate our pre-schooler through a parking lot.

We load up our trailer with similar things as a car.  We have similar difficulty strapping our kids into their seats and helmets.  We have to keep them entertained, safe, and the time in the 'vehicle' must be limited.  Our trailer converts into a stroller.  We cycle to downtown, the beach, the chiropractor, and we convert it, and walk around.

Yes, we did it for our budget.  But mostly, we did it because we could!  It's great for the environment, it's great for our health, and we feel like we are role-modelling to our kids.

Shay at home.  We spend a lot of time at home or in our garden.  It's really where babies like to be!

We arrive early for our chiropractic appointment and pull over for a swing at the park.  Shay isn't as thrilled with the swing as Fin was/is.  Fin is using the big-kid-swing these days as well.

We walk to local cafes and drink tea if we need a change of scene.  

Fin loves hot chocolate, a new treat he is trying out this season!

Fin helps us get the bikes and trailer ready for longer trips.

I take the bus to school, which is great because I can get a lot of reading done while I ride.  Here is Fin pretending to do his "cool-work" or school work.  The wipes with the open lid is his "pu-ter" or computer.

Like I said, car-free may not be for everyone, but it works for us!  I highly recommend lowering your use of cars and getting on the bus/bike more often.

Fall Fun

November 12, 2013

After a rainy start to our fall out here on the west coast we have been lucky to get a few sunny days to get outside. Rain or shine we are playing outside daily (even if we did not want to the rain only seems to heighten Fin's interest in the outdoors) but on the sunny days we tend to bring out the camera a bit more so here are a few pics of what we have been up to.

Seamus wants nothing more than to just pull up on something and stand their smiling proudly.  He has begun to work on "cruising" from object to object that he grabs a hold of. 

We are in our backyard on our little tykes play cube. Shay and I played in the back yard. I did some gardening and Seamus side stepped his way around the play cube.  It was really a perfect practice place as he could happily work on his cruising but had a cushy landing for when he fell.

In early November we made a leaf pile for Finlay and Seamus to play in.  It quickly became one of Finlay's new favourite places and he asks to go there on a daily basis.

Some days are wetter then others so here Finlay plays in his Newt Suit 

I did an action shot of Finlay running and jumping into the leaves.  He really liked it!
Off he goes!

And celebrates by throwing leaves in the air.  I was unable to get any photographic proof but Finlay was quite insistent that after every time he dove into the leaves I would have to follow.  He loved the game and showed little concern over my explanation that leaves did not really break the fall of someone of my weight. So, over and over again I jumped on the ground... Fun?

We have some friends that are also big lovers of spending time outside. We have an ongoing arrangement to meet with them.  Here Finlay is at Saxe Point. It is a park with lots of grass, woods and rocky beaches to play on.  Fin was very excited to find a cave (of sorts) that he could climb down into and get close to the water.

The mist was heavy that day - Fin and I just stood looking out over the water. We are so lucky to live in such a beautiful place

Fin really seems to love the ocean.

And here is a great pic of Mom and Fin playing some dress up games! We are slowly starting to build up a supply of costumes for all the kids at daycare but we were just having fun with different hats today!

Salmon Run

November 3, 2013

Our friend, Hilary, was kind enough to take me, Fin, and Shay to Goldstream park for the Salmon Run.  It was a beautiful day for it.  Sunny, but cool.  Autumn is damp in Victoria.  The forest was mossy green and the giant trees were clouded with mist.  But, most importantly, the salmon were running.  Well, swimming.

Hilary took these pictures, so she isn't in any unfortunately.  Here is Fin, marching to the fish.  I am walking behind him wearing Seamus.  

It was difficult, at first, for Finlay to see below and through the water to the Salmon.  But soon they started jumping and flopping out of the water and it became clear to him where they were and what they look like.

Magical woods.

"Look at that salmon!"

Shay didn't seem to interested in Salmon.  But he loves the woods and being worn in the Ergo.

Snack time!

Shay and his feed-Mama-game.

So happy!

What a muffin!

One of the Park Scientists with a dead Salmon.  Someone tried to tell Fin it was sleeping.  I corrected them.  We've talked about dead fish at home before as we eat salmon.

Fin noted its teeth and that its eyes were open.  Apparently salmon don't have eyelids and, get this, they follow the stars back to the river for the run.

Kind of smelled.


Salmon and Fin.

It was a really nice trip and Fin learned a lot.

Only one melt down.  This is Fin pretending to be a baby (his current favourite game).

'Baby' Fin.