About Us

Victoria, BC, Canada
This blog began as a modern "baby book" for our first child, Finlay, who was born in December of 2010. The recent addition of Seamus, born in January of 2013, has meant continued efforts to put into words and pictures his early years. We also use this forum to catalog our family life: two loving partners, two beautiful kids, car-free, child-centred, attachment-focused, with a love of food and health thrown into the mix!

A Little Foodie

July 5, 2011

As you know, when we were away in Ontario, Finlay celebrated his half-birthday; and now he is nearly seven months old!  I didn't have a chance to write about his six-month birthday but I can tell you now that there were cupcakes, a nice dinner, and glasses raised in Finlay's honour.  The cupcakes were coconut-lime and they were so yummy!  Finlay didn't have one, of course, but he did have some prunes...

Tyler and I LOVE food.  We love to cook and bake and try new things.  We both think it is pretty exciting to be helping to shape this little one's palate and relationship with food.  The other day, Finlay and I were on a walk and I had a few spots I needed to hit.  At the first stop, I bought him some teething cookies.  They smell like molasses and are just long rectangles.  I put a bib on him and gave him one in the stroller as we walked.  He really enjoyed it!  At first, he wasn't quite sure what to do with it and kept taking it out of his mouth, studying it, and then trying to put it back in (missing his mouth entirely).  He was full of smiles and he talked to the cookie too.  Eventually, he had cookie all over his face, hands and the bib.  He started looking pretty tired, his eyes kept half-closing, so I tried to take the cookie away...  Needless to say, he wanted it back!  I returned the cookie to him and, rather than putting it back in his mouth, he embraced the sweet and soggy thing.  He promptly fell asleep cuddling with his first cookie.

It was so cute but I didn't have a camera!  He was covered in cookie and drool, with a slight smile, his head hanging to one side, grasping what was left of the cookie with both hands on his chest.  Slowly, as he fell into a deeper sleep, his arms relaxed and fell to his sides.  His jaw relaxed and his little mouth was slightly open displaying some cookie-drool (gross to some, cute to a mum).  I wondered what he would dream about...

Here is Finlay eating a different cookie a few days later.

He likes to tell us how good it is!

He has learned the sign for water and how to hold his sippy cup!  It is remarkable how quickly he learned this!  He really loves water!

Here is Fin and I on a cool day on the balcony.  We took the picture because we thought he looked like a little man in his jeans and flannel shirt.

So cute!  This outfit was a Value Village score.  

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