About Us

Victoria, BC, Canada
This blog began as a modern "baby book" for our first child, Finlay, who was born in December of 2010. The recent addition of Seamus, born in January of 2013, has meant continued efforts to put into words and pictures his early years. We also use this forum to catalog our family life: two loving partners, two beautiful kids, car-free, child-centred, attachment-focused, with a love of food and health thrown into the mix!


August 12, 2011

This post is actually a little behind.  I (Tyler) have not been on my game in helping out on the blog as much as I would like and I had been meaning to get a post up for a couple of weeks but have failed miserably.

In early August, Finlay, Mom and I were playing on his play mat when we heard our apartment buzzer ring. The intercom currently is a one way only sort of situation, however our balcony is just above the main entrance which has led us to not answering the buzzer and simply poking our heads over the balcony to see who it might be.  On this day the visitor was for Finlay.  A very nice letter carrier had a package for Finlay.  Neither Lyndze or I knew what it was but quickly figured out that Grandma had been online shopping at a little store in Dundas which specializes in wooden/"natural" toys.  It was quite interesting to see Finlay's reaction as we began to pull the toys out of the box. The look on his face was so excited and there was no doubt in his mind that what was in the box was for him.

"For me?  Really?  You shouldn't have!"

Shocked and stunned.  Such a lucky bub!  You can see an owl (right) whose wings crackle when you touch them.  Lyndze is working on the second bedroom for Finlay and there is an owl theme.  Not sure who was more excited about this toy, Lyndze or Fin.  What you cannot see is that under the owl's wing is a baby owl that chirps when you play with it.  Finlay has already figured that out and he loved to shake it.  Too cute!

Two toys with wheels came in the package.  These little car toys are meant to roll away from babies as a way to entice them to crawl. We'll see how it works!

Lead free paint may not be as tasty but Finlay does not seem to mind.

Finlay has a couple toy car-ish things but he is a big fan of this car in particular.

We were all dressed up and ready to go out as Finlay has one final chew on his doll.  There was also a great rattle that rolls in the package of which Finlay loves the sound.  We do too, actually, it's a soft sound and he could shake it all day and we wouldn't complain.

Thanks Grandma!  Finlay is just loving his new toys!  (and so are we:)

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