About Us

Victoria, BC, Canada
This blog began as a modern "baby book" for our first child, Finlay, who was born in December of 2010. The recent addition of Seamus, born in January of 2013, has meant continued efforts to put into words and pictures his early years. We also use this forum to catalog our family life: two loving partners, two beautiful kids, car-free, child-centred, attachment-focused, with a love of food and health thrown into the mix!

Since When Did You Get So Big?

April 28, 2013

Our little munchkins are not so little.  I just got up one day and was greeted by a grinning 3-month-old and a little boy.  Seamus is holding his head up and putting lots of weight on his legs.  He is ready for the  Jolly Jumper so we will have to get that set up ASAP.  And Finlay spelled his name (verbally) the other day and again today when I asked him if he would like to tell his Nans and Gramps on Skype.  He wears underwear most afternoons (rather than diapers) and looks so grown-up.

I just love photos of babies nursing.  Tyler got a good one of Shay the other day.  He is smiling up at me!  So sweet.

Seamus is out-growing everything quickly.  He is already into some 6-9 months clothes!  Here his is in an outfit from Shelley and Al (cute and cosy).

Seamus in the Bumbo!  An example of how big he is getting!  Look at those feet!

Finlay was building a tower and it was getting taller than he is so he went and got his stool from the bathroom so he could finish the "tall tall tower!"

Reading bores Seamus.  Just kidding.  He loves it.  But he is starting to sleep a predictable three naps a day and I guess he decided it was time for the second one.  Tyler draped the blanket over him after he was asleep.

Went to a cafe and Finlay discovered juice.  And so it begins...

Funny Seamus expression.  Check out his adorable cardigan.

Seamus outgrew the bassinette and fits in the Uppababy "big-baby seat."  He digs it so far.

One cold and rainy weekend, we went to the Bug Zoo!  Here is Fin petting some type of huge bug that has armour.

Finlay and me checking out some bugs in a display.

Finlay petting the largest millipede in the world. 

Tyler holding a stick bug.

Finlay checking out the Roach Motel.

They do.

Finlay and the ant display.  These boxes and tubes went all around the room with millions of Leaf-Cutter ants!  So cool.

Went to Hernandezez after the zoo.  Finlay was oddly concerned with the amount of beans on his hands.  He is trying to "cwean up" with napkins.

As you can see, he is less concerned about his face and napkins are somewhat useless. 

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