About Us

Victoria, BC, Canada
This blog began as a modern "baby book" for our first child, Finlay, who was born in December of 2010. The recent addition of Seamus, born in January of 2013, has meant continued efforts to put into words and pictures his early years. We also use this forum to catalog our family life: two loving partners, two beautiful kids, car-free, child-centred, attachment-focused, with a love of food and health thrown into the mix!

August 2 - 9, 2010 - Oh Ontario!

Lyndze - Tyler and I have returned home safely and the unpacking has begun.  We don't really have a place for Chick's gifts so I cleared out some storage space where I previous kept my winter work clothes.  I won't be wearing them this year anyhow!  I got so excited taking tags off and folding the little clothes and blankets and putting them away.  We move into our new apartment soon, where we can unpack it and get ready for little Chick to arrive!

We had a wonderful time in Ontario.  We both got a little colour laying about by the backyard pool.  The party was a great way to start the week off.  It was nice to see everyone and Tyler and I were overwhelmed with all of the kind words, support, gifts, and the big welcome for us and Chick.  The food was amazing, the weather held, and there was a great showing!  I can't tell you how special we felt that you all came to celebrate our baby!  Thanks!

Shelly took some pictures and I have picked a few out to share!
Mom knows how to throw a party!  She didn't stop smiling even though she had to play hostess.
Many of our friends are out West, but a few special friends could make it to the party.  Thanks for coming!
Marcie and Nathan's newest edition, Celia, was passed around the party.  At one point I got my hands on her and while I was holding her Chick kicked her!  It was weird to feel one baby kicking from the inside and one from the outside!
The McKinnon girls and their mom!  What a nice shot!

Tyler - After the party was over Lyndze and I had a few friends come and join us by the Harvey's pool as well as making a trip up to Port Colborne to see some of my Mom and sister Lindsay and her family that had taken up permanent residence in my aunt and uncle's house. This was the first opportunity for Lyndze to meet our niece Avery. Avery is a very cute 18 month old.  We had a good time playing with her and all her new toys that Grandma keeps showing up with.  I also had the pleasure of taking part in a trip to Toronto with my Dad and sisters where we made are way from pub to pub and I was given a mini shower of gifts to be opened with each drink I had.  Good times!

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