About Us

Victoria, BC, Canada
This blog began as a modern "baby book" for our first child, Finlay, who was born in December of 2010. The recent addition of Seamus, born in January of 2013, has meant continued efforts to put into words and pictures his early years. We also use this forum to catalog our family life: two loving partners, two beautiful kids, car-free, child-centred, attachment-focused, with a love of food and health thrown into the mix!

On Your 2nd Birthday

December 14, 2012

An(other) Open Letter to our Finner McKinner 


A year ago today your mother wrote you a letter for your first birthday - you can see what she had to say here - http://harvey-roach.blogspot.ca/2011/12/happy-1st-birthday-finlay.html

She had just spent the a year on maternity leave where she spent almost every waking hour of that time with you.  It was hard to believe that so much could have happened in one year and yet here we sit at the end of your second year of life and I struggle to put into words all the memories we created and all  the feelings you made me feel over the past 730 days (and nights).

It is amazing the person you have already become. The individual personality you continue to develop.  It is so hard to believe that a year ago today you were still mastering how to crawl. Your spoken words were few and you still relied on us for so much.   And just one year later you run, your carry on conversations and not only do you rely on us so much less but you adamantly refuse our help with daily tasks so that you can proudly show us how you can climb the stairs all on your own, how you can put on your own boots and how you can climb up onto your chair and use your own fork to feed yourself and it breaks my heart but I know all I can do is smile and say "You did that by yourself! How did that feel?"  And while this independence may seem so minimal in the grand scheme of things I can't begin to describe what it means to your mother and I.

The year also saw you enter the "real world" as your mother's maternity ended and you entered the new world of daycare.  The first day in a new place ended with tears in all our eyes.  We were nervous to leave you on your own and you looked afraid wondering why we were leaving you in this strange new place. But quickly you made friends and we saw you grow even more.  As you began to learn more words much of what you would tell us was about the other kids in daycare.  The day you came home saying another child's name followed by the smacking your lips and making kissing noises.  We  asked the daycare for translation she explained that "Finlay has taken to going into the tent and kissing the other kids."  Nothing could have made two parents who first met on canoe trip more proud!

As we move into your third year you will take on a new role of a big brother. Over the past two years you have proven to be a kind, loving, and caring person and I am so excited to see you be that kind of big brother.

I love you so much.

Happy 2nd Birthday Finlay!

Love GaGa...

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