About Us

Victoria, BC, Canada
This blog began as a modern "baby book" for our first child, Finlay, who was born in December of 2010. The recent addition of Seamus, born in January of 2013, has meant continued efforts to put into words and pictures his early years. We also use this forum to catalog our family life: two loving partners, two beautiful kids, car-free, child-centred, attachment-focused, with a love of food and health thrown into the mix!

Bye-bye Training Wheels

March 5, 2013

All is well on the Western front...  I mean out West...  here...  home.  Auntie Carleigh is back in Aus and I am on my own with a 26 month old and a 7 week old most of the day and it is just fine.  The training wheels, so to speak, are off and we are rolling.  But, we are at the point now where my goal is no longer "keep everyone alive" and has migrated beyond meeting their needs - I want to enhance their growth.  You are only a baby/toddler/kid once and for so brief a time.  Lets play!

This learning through play thing can be hard on Mama.  I am on my toes, even when they are napping.  But I also have to take care of myself.  Got mastitis again this past weekend from, no doubt, stress and running myself ragged.  So I have given up sugar for the month of March.  We'll see if I can't build up my body and immune system so that I can be that mom I want to be.

So what's going on with the kidlets?  They are growing whether I "enhance" things or not.

I took this picture at breakfast the other day because, well, I thought they all looked adorable.  Finlay gets some crazy bed-head.

Seamus has this concerned look on his face 90% of his waking hours (or minutes).  Is he saying "help me!"?

What does this look say?  He looks less and less like Finlay every day.

We made donuts one Sunday morning.  Finlay has so many words and he picks up more every day.  It is the important words like "donut" and "beer" that you want your toddler picking up before other lesser language concepts.

Finlay and his new "pack-back."  It's too "heavy" to carry up the stairs.  He was calling out "I need help!" and straining (with sound effects) to lug himself and his back-pack up the stairs.  Then he gave up and sat down.  I had to take the baby off and put him in a safe place before I could help.  Both kids do a lot of waiting for me lately.

Eating his apple in front of the house.

Seamus is ready for Easter.  "Where's the bunny?"

The "Pineapple Express" came through the other day so it was an indoor day for us.  We built a fort of sheets and blankets in the living room and played with toys and ate snacks inside of the fort.

Finlay shared his snacks with his favourite friends, as seen above, his bear, deer, and blankie.

Carleigh got him some shoes from H & M.  Check out the model.

Finlay and Seamus getting some love.

Funny expressions.

Fin and Car-Car at Cafe Nap-Time.

Finlay and Seamus in Fin's bed.

Pretty happy people.

Almost caught a smile on camera.

Back to his funny look.

Fin nails the dodder-smile.

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