About Us

Victoria, BC, Canada
This blog began as a modern "baby book" for our first child, Finlay, who was born in December of 2010. The recent addition of Seamus, born in January of 2013, has meant continued efforts to put into words and pictures his early years. We also use this forum to catalog our family life: two loving partners, two beautiful kids, car-free, child-centred, attachment-focused, with a love of food and health thrown into the mix!

Little Seamus

March 29, 2013

So you may have noticed that I missed a post.  Seamus turned two months old on the 14th, and between bouts of mastitis I just couldn't muster up the energy to make cupcakes or write a post.  So, I will dedicate this post to the progress of Little Seamus.

He isn't so little anymore.  People seemed shocked when I tell them how young he is because he is so big.  He is into his 3-6 months clothes and some of the onsies are already stretched to their limit when he is in a cloth diaper!  He is long and chubby and strong and just beautiful!  He has pretty eyes that are more round like mine.  He has developed a few expressions and I see more of my family in these curious, concerned, mischievous and gleeful looks.  So we have one kid who is Tyler's cloan (or Megan's, according to Lorna) and one kid who looks more like a mix between me and my brother...  so far!  They change so fast that who knows who he'll look like.  Maybe just like himself!

His personality is emerging, little by little, each day.  We are getting to know each other.  Seamus isn't quite interested in most toys right now but he really enjoys looking into anyone's eyes and talking and smiling.  He coos and makes other sounds and he even giggles!  He is loving the curtains in our bedroom and the mobile above his change-table.  But he is most interested in his older brother!  He lights up when Finlay interacts with him and he swings his head around to locate his big bro.  Fin coos at him and Seamus coos right back with a big grin and bright eyes.  Finlay helps him with his soother and tells little Seamus that "it's okay, I'm here," whenever he cries.  Seamus will stop crying or whimpering whenever Fin tries to calm him down.  It is so sweet.  Seamus has really taken to his big brother Fin.

Here is Little Seamus smiling at his Grandma (Lorna).  These days, all we have to do is catch his eyes and he smiles.  He also smiles in his sleep.  And most mornings I awake to him cooing and I open my eyes and he is smiling right in my face!  If Seamus isn't tucked under Tyler's arm while we are sleeping he wiggles his way over to me and snuggles in!  

Seamus isn't a big fan of being outside.  He fusses whenever he is put into his sweater or hat.  On this particular day it was sunny and about 15 and he was still annoyed!

Take me inside please.

Almost smiling!

We are so in love and enjoying this wonderful stage of infants.  Seamus is turning into a playful, talkative, adorable little person! 

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