About Us

Victoria, BC, Canada
This blog began as a modern "baby book" for our first child, Finlay, who was born in December of 2010. The recent addition of Seamus, born in January of 2013, has meant continued efforts to put into words and pictures his early years. We also use this forum to catalog our family life: two loving partners, two beautiful kids, car-free, child-centred, attachment-focused, with a love of food and health thrown into the mix!

Slowing Down

June 13, 2013

It's been a while since I've posted.  Usually, I think about blogging but just can't find the time to do it.  This time, I'll be honest, I totally forgot about blogging.  The thought hasn't crossed my mind in weeks.

I saw this recently:

And it really spoke to me.  When people ask how I'm doing I say "busy."  And I am busy.  I am always moving, thinking, reacting, going...  I need to slow down!  That is what I have really learned over this past week.  The kids need more days at home, doing nothing but following their whims, their energy-levels, eating when hungry and sleeping when tired.  We are over programmed; during the week and every weekend.

Going to the fair last weekend made me think about how normal busy has become.  People want to be busy and they like going to the fair...  None of us felt good afterwards.  It was a whirlwind for the senses.  Loud and bright and strong-smelling.  Seamus just hibernated, thankfully.

There were so many families and young children.  But there was nothing for our family to eat (Finlay is eating a home-made powerball) and long line-ups everywhere.

We tired to embrace it and say how fun and great it all was to Fin over and over but he was overwhelmed and a little scared.  He got to chose a ride (there were three that he was big enough to go on) and that was too much for him.

It was exciting to see him watch the ride he chose while Tyler got the tickets.  Then he was waiting in line and just seemed so old to me.  This is Tyler putting him on the flying fish, explaining to hold on and the rules and where I was.

He was pretty excited for things to start but I could see him eyeing the "Bear Ride" behind Tyler.

Off he went!  So much was going on for this little guy.  The parade, the sensory assault of the fair, the new experiences, and then we put him on this ride!

There's joy or there's a photo-op.  I feel like a politician.  

Immediately after the ride was over he wanted to go on the "Bear Ride."  We asked him if he had fun on the Flying Fish and he just screamed "Bear Ride!  I want a Bear Ride!  No, Bears right now!  I want it right now, right now, right now!"  And he cried and screamed and hit us and lost it completely and he continued with that reaction the entire way home.  I don't blame him.  It's our fault.  We set him up.

It's time to slow down.  Super slow.  We were hanging out at home one morning and Shay was crying in Fin's bed while I was getting Fin ready.  I left the room to get something and Finlay hopped into bed, told Shay it was okay, and started to read him a book.  He recited the story as he knew it and carefully showed the baby the pictures.  Seamus smiled and cooed and got right into it. 

This is slow.  Two babes in bed with blankies.  This is where we want to be.

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