About Us

Victoria, BC, Canada
This blog began as a modern "baby book" for our first child, Finlay, who was born in December of 2010. The recent addition of Seamus, born in January of 2013, has meant continued efforts to put into words and pictures his early years. We also use this forum to catalog our family life: two loving partners, two beautiful kids, car-free, child-centred, attachment-focused, with a love of food and health thrown into the mix!

Growing, growing, gone!

February 14, 2011

Finlay is two months old today!  And he has really grown!  I'm sorry to say this (Nans), but he has outgrown many of his newborn clothes and is already wearing three-month things.  He feels heavier, although we haven't weighed him in a while, and he is making more eye contact and engaging more when we play. It felt weird to be packing away his little clothes so soon.  Every morning we wake up to a bigger and older Fin and, although many changes are exciting, it's a little sad to see some of those newborn aspects disappear into memory.

One of our new changes is bottle feeding.  Tyler was feeding Fin milk with a little spoon but, being a baby, he didn't quite get how to swallow.  I bought a pump and a bottle to give Fin some more space, me some time outside the home without a baby strapped to me, and Tyler a little back-up when alone with the baby.

 Here is a picture of Tyler giving Finlay one of his first bottles.  Some breastfed babies don't understand the bottle, some reject it all together, but Finlay was right into it right away.  He looks up into Tyler's eyes with such affection and drinks the whole thing!

 In the morning, Fin and I have playtime on my yoga mat.  I sing songs and do some yoga and then we have a little photo-shoot where I try and catch a smile.

 Look at those baby cheeks!  He was really looking at the camera on this day.

 I put up this funny face because I know I've seen a picture of Tyler as a kid somewhere making this exact expression.  So cute!

 Finlay and I had a really nice morning the other day, lots of smiles, giggles and funny faces.  You can see how big he is getting!  He is wearing one of his newer outfits (thanks Siham) that I was shocked to realize fit him!  Not for long, I'm sure.

 This is the face he makes right before a big grin.  It's like he's getting ready to spring one on you!

I almost caught the grin this time - not a great shot but still captures something about this little boy.

Yay for two months old!  We have all learned so much and grown a ton.  Still taking each day one at a time but loving it all!


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