About Us

Victoria, BC, Canada
This blog began as a modern "baby book" for our first child, Finlay, who was born in December of 2010. The recent addition of Seamus, born in January of 2013, has meant continued efforts to put into words and pictures his early years. We also use this forum to catalog our family life: two loving partners, two beautiful kids, car-free, child-centred, attachment-focused, with a love of food and health thrown into the mix!

Rocking and Rolling at 5 Months Old

May 14, 2011

Finlay is five month old today!  This past month, we have seen so much change!

In the first months, we were hearing many other new parents lament about sleepless nights while we were getting plenty of shut-eye with our remarkable newborn.  Well, the tables have turned!  Over the past few weeks, Finlay has barley let me get two hours of sleep in a row.  Tyler and I are up much of the nights rocking and nursing and rocking some more.  Lindsay Kemp (Tyler's sister) sent us this wonderful link (see below).  The link is for a book called "Go the F#$k to Sleep" and, not only did it make Tyler and I laugh, it reminded us that we are not the only parents in the whole world up with their child in the night, staring at the clock, and silently begging the little devil (but also angel) to just f-ing sleep!


Perhaps part of the reason why Finlay has been up at night, staring at his hands, talking up a storm, giggling and rolling around is because of all of the learning and growing that has happened.  He is literally getting bigger every day.  He is learning to roll and he does this by being on his tummy, deciding he hates it, and using the weight of his head to flip himself over.  It's hilarious.  Sometimes he only makes it half-way and he just huffs and stares at us as if to say, "a little help?"

Finlay has become a lot more conscious of what is around him... and more curious.  He is also more demanding and voices his preferences.  I really thought that he would like all of the baby food I so lovingly make for him!  Well, he does not like baby-mashed-potatoes and he made it perfectly clear.  He turned his head from side to side, spitting it out, and there was none of the excited "oh, oh" noises that he makes when he wants more apples or sweet potato or cinnamon carrots.

Finlay and his favourite toy.  He is able to grab, hold, and maneuver this and other toys into his mouth.

Finlay still has newborn moments - like this one where he fell asleep after eating.

Fin's first May Day, first election, and first time Harper made him cry.  

We got Finlay all dressed and ready to go out and he fell asleep.  Cute!

Finlay, "Monker" the monkey, and some big smiles!

Fin in his adorable "Indie Kidz" t-shirt from our friend Mike.  Make bubbles, not war!

Blue blue blue...

"New to the herd" - Finlay's new slip-on shoes.  I bought these because I knew great-grandma would love the elephant!

So much change and growth in so little time.  I can only imagine what I will be writing on June 14!

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