About Us

Victoria, BC, Canada
This blog began as a modern "baby book" for our first child, Finlay, who was born in December of 2010. The recent addition of Seamus, born in January of 2013, has meant continued efforts to put into words and pictures his early years. We also use this forum to catalog our family life: two loving partners, two beautiful kids, car-free, child-centred, attachment-focused, with a love of food and health thrown into the mix!

Introducing "Billy"

June 24, 2012

As you can see from the updated title of our Blog, there will soon be an addition to the Harvey-Roach-Grant clan!  We are expecting baby number two, who we have nicknamed "Billy" (as in a baby goat), sometime in January 2013.  The original due date was the 8th, which was cool because it was the same due date my mother had with me.  But after an early ultrasound the due date has been moved to the 12th.  Either way, I'll be getting a fabulous 30th birthday gift!

We understand that this announcement may come as a surprise to some of you.  We haven't told many people yet and thought that, rather than calling/emailing/facebooking many individuals who we would like to tell we would use the blog as a venue for the announcement.  We feel that it is mostly our family and close friends that view the blog so it made sense to us to have the word spread from here.

So the focus of the blog will be shifting, over the next several months, from Finlay the lone toddler to Finlay the soon-to-be big brother and his soon-to-be sibling "Billy."

As of today, I am 11 weeks pregnant and feeling as good as one can at 11 weeks following a gruelling 10 week work schedule of 70 hours a week.  I was pretty nauseous (way more than with Fin/Chick) and encountered some incredible exhaustion that I had never known before.  Seriously, I had never felt that tired even when, last summer, Finlay refused to sleep for more than 50 minutes at a time for weeks on end. But, my energy levels are coming back, the constant sea-sickness is subsiding, and I am back to 35 hours a week at work.  Life is good.

As I mentioned, I had an ultrasound last week and Billy is already cute!  No pictures with this ultrasound, but I can say that I saw movement and some little fingers and toes wiggling.  The ultrasound was normal and everything is progressing well.

Finlay had his first encounter with a stomach bug and Tyler and I had our first encounter with being sick with a sick kid.  We were all eating little and sleeping lots for about 5 days.  It was miserable!  Finlay couldn't even walk, he was so weak and out of it.  We missed our little guy.  His whole personality changed.  But, he was a trooper!  He barely cried, signed 'hurt' a lot, and just cuddled and watched a lot of his favourite show "Nanalan.'"

We are all back to normal now.  Although, Fin's cheeks seem smaller.

Here is Fin in a video before he got sick - he and his fabulous nanny/friend Emily are playing with a Newt at the lake.  It's a short clip but I thought I'd include it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qY7N0VZJCFQ

The second day Fin was home sick, he seemed to be doing okay, so I popped in from work to check on him and Tyler and play blocks.  I'm in my work get-up...  Finlay really like the blocks these days!

And knocking them over!

Playing on the stairs in the cabin.  There is a little window into the kitchen and Fin really enjoys this vantage point.  He gets giddy about seeing me or Tyler in the kitchen below.

Finlay dancing at home with a cape and no pants.  Pants come off when he gets in the door.  Here is a short clip of Finlay twirling: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vr3L-D8h8fQ

Daddy was making fake snoring noises on the couch and Finlay thought this was really funny.  I snapped some shots of him as he watched and reacted.

"What is up with that guy?"

"He's awake!  So funny!"

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