About Us

Victoria, BC, Canada
This blog began as a modern "baby book" for our first child, Finlay, who was born in December of 2010. The recent addition of Seamus, born in January of 2013, has meant continued efforts to put into words and pictures his early years. We also use this forum to catalog our family life: two loving partners, two beautiful kids, car-free, child-centred, attachment-focused, with a love of food and health thrown into the mix!

Super Fin = Super Fun

Most of May, 2012

Auntie Carr here with this next blog that is about three weeks late, but not for lack of trying.
The month of May was spent introducing Finlay to camp life at Thunderbird.  We ate a lot of meals in the increasingly busy, noisy, and fun dining hall with so many big kids to observe and so many camp staff who would sing songs, put on skits, and generally entertain Finlay until all hearts were content.

We spent the weeks up at camp hiking, canoeing, and throwing rocks... whilst the weekends were spent in Victoria at the park, entertaining Nans and Gramps when they were visiting, and going for long walks where we saw lots of dogs.  At camp, Fin loves to stop and touch the bark of a tree or moss that is growing, he likes to touch the leaves of the trees, and climb up and down the stairs and open and shut doors.  He seems to understand most of what we say to him - one beautifully sunny day in Victoria I was sitting on the balcony enjoying a frothy beverage and Fin was very happy to deliver chips to me one-by-one from the coffee table inside to my open hand on the balcony.  We both enjoyed this game thoroughly.

Self portrait with the 500 year old tree. 

 Running for home/stairs.

just plain cute.  

Lots of fun at snack time. 

Day off hiking. 

First time summiting Crows Nest peak at Camp!

little rock climber. 

He actually popped this balloon on his face and didn't even seem to notice. I was ready for tears and screaming but there were none. 

Balloons are fun! 

Back in Vic, he wants to put his own shoes on today...time for the park! 

Gramps is here! 

Fisherman's Wharf with Mama and Nana and Seals!

Best slide ever! 


Another day at the petting zoo. 

I have seen this exact photo of Tyler...a boy and his goat. 

 And now the Adventures of SUPER FIN!
(Nana and Gramps got Fin this cute cape t-shirt from the Moss Street Markets, yay!)

Focusing his powers 

Using his super hero strength to push large objects. 

Revealing his super identity...to himself. 

Learning to fly is fun! 

Super Fin! Saving the world!

Lot's of dancing, singing, laughing, and clapping.  This kid is so close to talking it is amazing. He changes so much everyday and I can only imagine how different he is now that I write this blog and he is three weeks older.  The best was when he would let me snuggle up with his blankie, I would be super tired from chasing him around all day and he would of course be wired.  I would jokingly take blankie and pretend to be sleeping on the floor and he would come over and pat my head and if I tried to "wake up" he would push my head back onto blankie and tuck me in for my nap.  We took good care of each other and it was really hard to say farewell.  But I will be back for a visit just as soon as I can.

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