About Us

Victoria, BC, Canada
This blog began as a modern "baby book" for our first child, Finlay, who was born in December of 2010. The recent addition of Seamus, born in January of 2013, has meant continued efforts to put into words and pictures his early years. We also use this forum to catalog our family life: two loving partners, two beautiful kids, car-free, child-centred, attachment-focused, with a love of food and health thrown into the mix!

July 18 - POP!

Lyndze:  So I had some trouble sleeping last night.  I was having dreams about trying to put on my pants and none of them fitting - like not even going on beyond my knees!  It was as if my pants had turned into children's sizes or perhaps I was gigantic!  And I woke up a lot needing to turn over but my sides ached every time I shifted.

I woke up this morning bigger then when I went to bed.  I have heard of people "popping" over-night and I think that night was last night.  I got a lot more comments on my new shape and I was wearing a baggier t-shirt!

Well, the getting bigger thing is exciting but I'm only half way (20 weeks on Tuesday) and I can't imagine how big I will get!

We took a couple pictures of the belly today.  Please ignore the messy hair and look of exhaustion.

Some people have trouble finding good babysitters but not us - we have people selling themselves to us!  Two very good staff at the Camp have a keen interest in babysitting Chick in the new year.  They gave me a vegan cupcake cookbook with a personal inscription including a picture.  I think you can tell which stick figure is me!

SOLD!  They can babysit anytime!  Chick would be lucky to have such great people looking after her/him!  I'm making them some Boston Cream Cupcakes this evening!


Unknown said...

Well Lyndze "Happy Popping Day "to you and Tyler, let me be one of the first to congratulate you. Had no idea that a pregnant woman could literally " POP " overnight. Must be the west coast water ?
Hey I hope your weekend was enjoyable. We had great weather , hot, sunny and a bit humid. All my girls are feeling the heat snd so went looking for a spring fed pond ( clean water ) near Komoka and I found it and so they cooled off while I threw sticks for them to swim to. Oh ya, Marley for some reason thought she should cool down and jumped in for her first surprise swim. Just realized this blog isn't really for me wandering. Stay well . . . london

Unknown said...

Messy hair included you look absolutely fantastic Lyndze!!

lyndze and tyler said...

Thanks! I feel fantastic!